Warning (in caps for extra-warning-esque effect):
Well, look at that. It's almost morning. I came back from work around 2:00 am and since then I've been sitting here and doing basically nothing. Oh, I ate something, which was quite a rational thing to do, since I haven't eaten anything for around a day or so. I wasn't really hungry, too. It was just.. 'k, time to eat'.
I told people at work I won 7 million NIS at the lottery and around midnight started believing it, too. I think it had something to do with the '7' thing. '10' would've been too perfect a figure to be true. '20' would've been irrational. But 7... makes perfect sense.
With 7 millions I could quit school. I wouldn't have to finish Montesquieu, et ses lettres persanes, qui sont trop ridicules pour mon etat d'ame a ce moment. I wouldn't have to translate Voltaire anymore. Seriously, how can something sound so lighthearted and simple in French, yet so awkward in Hebrew? English too, let us not forget. I checked the English translation to Candide and it was like.. bahhh. "un jeune garcon a qui la nature avait donne les moeurs les plus douces".. how do you even translate that shit? So far I had "מנהגים עדינים", "הליכות נעימות", "אופי מתוק".. think I settled for "מידות עדינות" which sounds completely shitty in retrospect.. but I already emailed it to my professor.
I've got another professor, qui.. pa..r..le...com..mmme.. caaaa, and she never finishes her sentences so we have no bloody clue what she's talking about. She once concluded the lecture by saying "et ca c'est relativement relatif". NO SHIT. Whenever a student complains about her incoherency, she says "אני אסביר בעברית, כדי שיהיה מובן!".. um, lady, we're fucking studying FRENCH literature in fucking FRENCH for three fucking years and counting, so I think it's safe to assume we fucking know FRENCH. It's hilarious though when she says that to the francophones. oh snap.
It's cute when people enter our classes by mistake. They just sit there all confused, WTF written across their faces, and they try to realise what in the name of all blazes is going on. Then after fifteen minutes or so they stand up and say: "dude, that's not english for beginners, is it?". In my translation class there's this disabled guy in a wheelchair, and his tongue is always hanging out, and it embarrasses me when the teacher asks him to read something out loud, because it's always like: "ughrdsbbbllaa". His filipino assistant always sits next to him and actually pays attention to what's going on. I wonder if he understands french. When I first saw him, I was like, cool, a filipino dude who knows french, now that's refreshing after the hordes of ztfonboniot I usually see there.
I need to
Finish Montesquieu
Read La femme de trente ans
Read at least 2 chapters off Planetarium.. Um. Read two pages and I think she's talking about.. furnitures?
Read the essay about Le realisme chez Balzac
+ prepare a presentation for Monday
Read some obscure essays about.. Proust.. I think. And Gautier.. And.. oh fuck it all.
I have troubles sleeping again. I just stir in my bed for hours on end. All three cats are sleeping with me: Caligula, Churchill and Katan (Ludwig II). It's getting extremely hard to even stir in bed, because there are cats everywhere. Wherever I go, there's a cat. Cali sleeps on my legs. Churchill sleeps under the blanket around my arms, and Katan sleeps on the pillow while chewing on my hair. Yep. Talk about bad hair days.
Yeah. Well, I'm going to do something productive and read Montesquieu. Only 80 pages left.. Well, honestly it's not that bad, the French is very easy, and it's got plenty of LOL moments, like when this dude marries his sister and sells their baby girl to slavery. Well. The sooner I finish it, the sooner I can start A la recherche du temps perdu, and 7 volumes are a very serious business. I want to get to the girl-on-girl action.
Okay, so Sarraute was right: "les admirateurs de ces ouvrages en parlent souvent d'une facon si etrange... On est deconcerte par ces details sans importance dont ils paraissent avoir ete surtout frappes, q'ils semblent avoir surtout retenus: des futilites qu'ils pourraient trouver aussi bien dans des oeuvres denuees de toute valeur litteraire."
And there ain't a goddamn thing wrong about that, elitist bitch.
I'm seeing my man tomorrow. He's already got a fan girl in Bezalel. Argh. Jerusalem is NOT for lovers.