Redneck scrapbook

Feb 18, 2005 08:27

This is how it is in Paris,France....

and yet, Paris Kentucky is quite similar!

Redneck promoting safer driving! Buckle up!!

Gee,Ma. Is it Bobby Joe's Birthday again?

Stlylin' *ding!

hahaha.. erm..:/

WTF? look ma! No arms!


the artisitc, and very material oriented redneck^^

mama.. what's in that U-haul?? 0.0;;

don't you just love grahm crackers and racing cars! Followed by.. mama!! Peggy Joe ate the wheel off the trailor again !

Yuuup! we caught ourselves a biggin'


Is this even safe? !!

**EDIT** this was last seen on total_blam_blam's journal^^

haha in fact, I have 6 0.o;; haha

awe that's just so sweet! hahahahaha LMAO!

okie I'm done now.. gotta get ready for class! :P
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