So Eowyn/Peter, begun as an innocent little prompt at the Three Sentence Ficathon, pretty much exploded
here, and thus follows an internally chronological arrangement of all the fills for this couple so far! (Fills for other ships/prompts in this verse will be posted in an upcoming entry.)
Narnia/LotR, Peter/+Eowyn, swords Buried in the caves, Eowyn hears a triumphant bugle that is the horn of neither Orc nor Rohirrim and a wild hope stirs within her. She musters the women and with knives, clubs and not a few swords, they charge out into the chaos of Helms Deep to find a battle newly won with the timely arrival of the White Rider with Erkenbrand and beside them, a tall, young King leading a great eored of his own that is queerer than any child's bedtime song.
The King admires her Orc-bloodied blade, raises his own in salute, and as he bows before her, says, "Never forget to clean your blade, Warrior of Rohan."
starbrowsings: As Eowyn draws the Rohirric shortsword from its scabbard and caresses its length, measuring the lay of it with the flat of her hand, she pays no mind to the others in the hall packing for the journey; while she gives it an experimental swing and, enchanted, goes through a sequence of positions with the well-crafted weapon, she does not notice the man who approaches in green and red bearing the blazing emblem of a lion upon his arms.
She turns; steel meets steel with a resounding clang; Eowyn's eyes widen at the strange warrior who carries himself like a king and does not fear to cross swords with a woman.
"You have some skill with a blade," says Peter with profound admiration.
LOTR/Narnia, Peter/Eowyn, talking horses As the King swung his leg over the saddle to land lightly beside her, his charger impatiently rubbed his head up and down her front, leaving a sweaty trail of gray and white hairs; the stallion’s simple bridle, no more than a strap across his nose and slender rein that would snap at the slightest stress, slipped completely off.
Alarmingly, the King did not more than grumble at his horse’s liberty and chided with good humour, “Alcander, couldn’t you wait - this is no way to introduce ourselves!”
“But I would meet our hosts without the indignity of a bridle,” the stallion said, and with a bow of his head, added, “and a Shield-maiden of Rohan fears horse hair no more than she fears blood.”
LOTR/Narnia; Peter/+Eowyn; "Surely he is one of the Mearas?" Eowyn inhaled sharply at the sound of the horse's voice rumbling against the front of her armour, exclaiming, "Even our Mearas, noble creatures though they are, cannot speak in human tongue - how can this be?"
Alcander replied with a whinny, "Why, I'm a Narnian Horse, broo-hinny-hoo!"
Fondly, Peter laid a hand upon the stallion's broad withers and said by way of explanation, "Alcander is a dear friend and fellow warrior, and I do not ride him except in times of greatest need, for our Talking Beasts are created by the Lion himself, who gave them the gift of speech when he sang Narnia into being."
LOTR/Narnia; Peter/+Eowyn; flirting in armor "You do well to wear Dwarf-forged armour," said Peter with an approving nod at the sturdy chain mail, very similar to his own, which the Shield-maiden had garbed herself in for the journey.
"It is the finest we can procure," said Eowyn proudly, "for we have always kept friendly trade with the Dwarves, though we have had no mithril armour since the fall of Khazad-dûm - but this mail I have possessed for years, and we have seen many dark roads together; indeed, the only fault I can find with it is that no matter how tightly I bind my hair, it always gets caught in the rings when I remove it," and she flashed Peter a slightly sheepish grin, expecting him to tease her for this particularly feminine problem.
But the Narnian King merely surveyed her in her armour as they walked side by side, tilted his head with a slight smile, and said evenly, "If my lady is ever in need of assistance in its removal, I am at your service."
rthstewart: "You are experienced in the removal of women's armament?" Eowyn replied, surprised at both her boldness and that of this strange Northern King who rode a Talking Horse, was guarded by fierce great cats, and who both fought alongside his own sister, and shared with her leadership of a company of males and females equally.
King Peter replied, "I have two sisters, Lady, both able in defense of themselves and our lands though it is the Queen Lucy who rides more often to battle even as you have seen in the Deeping-coomb this day; Lucy is always losing her coifs and the only rescue I am permitted to perform on her person is to save her hair from the snare of her mail shirt."
"Were I to ask your service, King Peter, it would not be as sister, I think."
starbrowsings: "That is well," said Peter after a moment in which he appeared equal parts amazed and intrigued, "for though I would hope to do you every courtesy, I am as much a man as I am a King."
Eowyn did not even try to hide her smile of pleasure (even as her heart beat furiously at her own daring) as she replied, "I am well pleased with both, my lord, and it is a credit to your character that you seek to show a woman every courtesy, for such a man is fain to consider the feelings of others as well as himself, even in the heat of the moment when a lesser man would not take such pains."
"For you, Shield-maiden, it would be no pain to make such an effort."
i_love_freddie: Eowyn could not resist a man in armor. Especially when that man was a strong and handsome king. Running her fingers through her golden locks, she gave him her most alluring smile and moved in for the kill.
LOTR/Narnia, Peter/Eowyn, watching him in the armoury When she follows the sound of his voice, ringing out even over the singing of hammers and the constant hum of the bellows, she finds him standing in the midst of the armory, bathed in the glow of the nearby smithy furnace.
“Too long in the arms,” Peter says, shucking the mail shirt off his back and reaching for the next offering; she tries, unsuccessfully, not to admire too closely the lines of his back through the linen tunic plastered to his skin, nor the way his shoulders bunch and roll as he tries the next piece.
“Too small,” he decides, almost as soon as it hits those lovely shoulders, then gasps in pain as his squires seek to tug it off; fortunately for Peter, she steps forth from the shadows to disentangle his hair from the links with gentle fingers, and smiles, saying, “Fear not, my lord, for I am here to rescue you.”
LOTR/Narnia, Peter/Eowyn, tent walls are thin Peter has scarce left the confines of his tent when a mailed hand slaps him across the back, nearly upsetting his balance, as Eomer cheerfully bellowing into his ear, “I hope your sleep was a restful one, as the rest of us could hardly get in a wink with that racket coming from your quarters!”
Thanking Aslan that he's never been one to blush, Peter smiles with ease and responds, “Truly, the women of Rohan are a delight to behold,” ushering his new friend out of the area as quickly as possible.
“Speaking of shieldmaidens, we must find my sister, who gets up and about far too early for me,” Eomer says; inside the tent, Eowyn listens to her brother's voice fade into the distance and breathes a giddy sigh of relief into the furs of Peter's bed.
LOTR/Narnia, Peter/Eowyn, making it up to her “The wine is a thoughtful gesture,” Eowyn says, stretched out in Peter's furs, eying him over the goblet's rim, “but not nearly enough, I think, to make up for your transgressions, which were quite severe.”
“It was remiss of me to keep you so late as to court discovery,” Peter agrees, taking one of her slim feet in his hand, pressing his lips to its arch. “So I will endeavor to make it up to you, inch by inch,” he says, his hands tracing a path up her firelight-limned skin, his lips trailing just behind, over powerful calves and taut thighs, until his goal is reached and the remains of the wine spills unheeded to the floor.
LOTR/Narnia: Eowyn, Peter, the colors were red and gold In the low dull light of the fires that burned in the White City of Gondor above the fields of Pelennor, the company that streamed into the valley was a strange and desperate one: the éoreds of Rohan, with their proud horses and golden shields glowing red in the dark light of distant flames, and the banner of Eorl flying green and white at their helm; at their side, a cohort of Beasts and Beings sprung from the pages of myth, wild and proud though their number was but a drop to the sea of fell creatures before them, and the two Kings who galloped out ahead of all the rest, both straight and fierce in battle though one bore the mantle of many years.
And the Narnians lifted up their voices and joined the host of Rohan in song, and they sang as they slew, for the joy of battle was upon them, and the red figure of the Great Lion blazed before them as the standard of Narnia was lifted up to greet the dawn.
But Peter wept to see the gold that shone in the morning light, as he beheld the fair-haired Shield-maiden of Rohan lying still and lifeless near the black mantle of her dread foe, and the red of her blood still warm on her skin.
LOTR/Narnia, Eowyn/Peter, after the war we said we'd fight together/I guess we thought that's just what humans do
i_love_freddie: She knew it had just been a dream, a fantasy. It was the way of the warrior's life, two people coming together for a brief while before setting off on their own paths.
But she still shed a tear as she watched him walk away for good.
starbrowsings: "Hey..." Hearing the low-pitched sobs coming from next to him, Peter snugged up right next to Eowyn and ran a comforting hand up and down her shoulder until she woke up and, sniffling, pulled his arm around her waist, turning her face toward the moonlight streaming through the window of their comfortable chambers in Minas Tirith.
He waited while she stilled and relaxed against him, knowing the darkness of dreams one thought were real for a while, and contemplated what it was this time - the screams of the Nazgûl, the cold shadow of death that had nearly overtaken her, or the cage she feared so, the only thing he had known her to fear - but when Eowyn rolled toward him and nestled against his chest, she murmured, "I dreamed you had left, forever, to your own lands...and is that not our fate, in the end?"
Feeling the peace and joy he had sought for years, wrapped up in the fiercely passionate woman who lay in his arms, Peter pressed his lips to her hair, whispering, "I do not think that will be our fate."