Author: Starbucks Sue
Genre: Gen
Rating: FRT
Characters: Team
Summary: NavyNCISFF Episode Challenge:
Disclaimer: NCIS and the characters portrayed in this story do not belong to me and no copyright infringement is intended.
"Wow, Gibbs said please!" Abby rolled her eyes at Ducky who was perched on the desk beside her in the bullpen as Gibbs and Todd walked towards the elevator.
"Jethro's gut is telling him that this isn't over yet, what do you think Anthony?"
Tony's eyes had been following his team leader with a look of fond amusement, at Ducky's question he pulled his gaze back to the two people perched on the desk opposite him.
"The Boss is thinking that someone wanted the President on the back up bird for a reason." The younger agent said thoughtfully leaning back in his chair. "From what Agent Todd was saying there are some differences between the two planes, the backup's older and Gibbs believes that terrorists have a plan but need the President to be on the backup." Tony chuckled suddenly. "He was quoting Harrison Ford and Air Force One the whole time we were on the plane."
"Gibbs was quoting movie references? I thought that was your area of expertise, you're the one who watches all the movies!" Abby looked at Tony in surprise.
"I managed to get him to watch a few movies when I stayed with him, he kinda likes Harrison Ford so Air Force One is one of the DVDs we watched." Tony elaborated.
"Anthony you amaze me, I didn't think Jethro would ever sit down and relax long enough to watch a film." Ducky shook his head in surprise. "I didn't think he even owned a video player let alone DVD."
"He doesn't, his only tv is an old one down in the basement and that's usually tuned to the news, but when I stayed with him I brought the tv from my bedroom, it's got a built in DVD player and he let me set it up in his den as he doesn't spend much time in there." Tony smiled gently to himself at the fond memories. His father had never taken the time to do anything with his son and considered watching movies a waste of time, so Tony had really enjoyed the evenings spent with his mentor, whether watching movies or working on the boat. Gibbs had even taken him sailing a few times which the younger man had been secretly thrilled about. "I don't think he could do it too often but he sat through a few, he kind of enjoys criticizing the military based ones." He responded with a grin.
"So what do you think of Agent Todd, Gibbs seems pretty impressed with her." Abby turned her attention to the Secret Service Agent.
"Yeah, I think he is." Tony answered, a dark look suddenly shadowing his features.
"You think he'll offer her a job here?" Abbey questioned, Gibbs was well known for hiring his own people. "I mean, wasn't she having an affair with a fellow officer? Now that's been brought to light she'd probably be fired if she doesn't resign, won't she?" With the length of time she'd been working with NCIS Abby was pretty sure of her knowledge of military regulations.
"Yes Abigail, I believe she would. I know I haven't known her long but she seems the kind of young lady who would do the right thing and resign and if Jethro believes she can do the job I don't doubt that he'd snap her up in an instant." Ducky had been watching Tony closely as he spoke. After the first slip the younger man had schooled his features carefully and if Ducky hadn't been watching he knew he'd have missed the cloud that quickly passed over the young agent's face.
Ducky had liked Kate and was pretty sure that Tony had too. The only problem was that the younger man had a streak of insecurity which meant that he saw any other team member as a threat. Since Gibbs had poached Tony from Baltimore after a joint case they had mostly worked as a two man team, Langer had moved to the FBI and Burley had been reassigned as agent afloat shortly before Tony joined. Pacci had been Gibbs' third team member but had been off sick with the stomach virus which had hit over half the office at the time, hence the fact that Gibbs had ended up in Baltimore alone.
When Pacci had come back from sick leave he'd been given the position of team leader of the new cold case squad, that had been almost two years ago and since then three other members of staff had drifted on and off the team in quick succession until Vivian Blackadder had transferred in from the FBI. At the request of Director Morrow Gibbs had taken her on the team, a placement that had been a disaster and she had quickly transferred back to the FBI after screwing up an important operation.
Gibbs and Tony had been back to working as a two man team ever since, borrowing agents from other teams or local offices when necessary as they had done previously. Ducky had seen a very clear pattern emerge over the time Tony had been with NCIS. Whilst working as Gibbs' partner, the younger agent was confident and took his job seriously, he had a great sense of humor and although he could easily wind up Gibbs during cases he could read his Boss easily enough to know when to back down. However, whenever the team had a permanent third he acted up almost constantly, almost as if he felt that he had to make himself noticed, which naturally attracted Gibbs' attention for all the wrong reasons. After Viv had left and things had settled down, Ducky came to the conclusion that the young agent had got so used to having his team leader's sole attention that he was jealous any other permanent member of the team.
Ducky sighed as he left the bullpen and made his way back down to autopsy, if Gibbs was going to offer Kate Todd a position on his team, Ducky was willing to put money on the fireworks!