Here we go....
Er...don't quite remember who tagged me for which. All you need to know is that
silverspinner, and
white_tulips all tagged me for different parts.
Write 20 random facts about yourself and then tag the same amount of people as minutes it takes you to write the facts.
1. I have a retainer that I need to wear every night. But it beats wearing it all day where I spittled at anyone who came into a ten-foot radius of me.
2. I have a burn on my skin (not obvious, just a raised area the same color as my skin) under my chin, on my neck, on my upper right chest, and near my left armpit, all approximately the size of a quarter.
3. These burns were from when I was two and fell into a water heater and spilled out all the water while coincidentally landing in it face first. Strangely, my face wasn't affected.
4. I have hitchiker's thumbs.
5. I like to chew my lip and the inside of my cheek when I am thinking.
6. I chew gum very obnoxiously. Like, SNAP, CRACKLE, POP.
7. My hair has never been longer than my shoulderblades.
8. I actually have glasses too, which I never bother to wear, causing me to plunge further into the blindness I am surely headed towards.
9. I read Meg Cabot books purely for enjoyment. They make me laugh, and I don't have to think at all. It rocks.
10. My second toe is longer than my big toe.
11. I have an innie belly button.
12. I love things when they are first introduced to me. However, after a few months, I get bored easily and end up getting distracted. Which I do easily.
13. If you know my AIM habits, you will know that I rarely stay on for more than 10 seconds every time I sign on. If I stay on and talk to you, it means that I must really, really like you. Or you hold some blackmail against me.
14. I haven't read The Da Vinci Code until now. I am doing so currently, in fact.
15. When I get stressed out (which happens when I don't finish homework/have a test coming up/forgot something important), you want to keep far, far away.
16. I can wiggle my eyebrows and one right brow very quickly. It looks mischevious and reminds me somehow of James Potter.
17. I'm a pack rat. Which means if you still need relics of my astonishing A+ work from the fourth grade, I'm your girl.
18. I still keep my fifth grade markers and colored pencils in the "Reading is an adventure!" cardboard Arthur the Aardvark box on my other desk.
19. I always do some sort of weird mathematical pattern thing to remember my locker combination.
20. I'm a proud VH1 addict.
Seven minutes. I tag
linda_made_me (who makes enough lists as it is),
helloshanti, and
The rest of y'all have probably all done it already.
Name six songs that you are currently digging... it doesn't matter what genre they are from, whether they have words or even if they're any good but they must be songs you're really enjoying right now. Post these instructions and then list the six artists and the songs in your LiveJournal. Then tag six other people to see what they're listening to.
1. Embrace, "Ashes"
2. Ben Lee, "Begin"
3. Gavin DeGraw, "Follow Through"
4. The entire Finding Neverland soundtrack.
5. Jewel, "Deep Water"
6. The Killers, "Change Your Mind"
I tag
zipzipbong, and
See what you made me do? It's almost eleven o'clock and I still have Bio, Political/Economics, and German. Boohoo.