Title Razbluito
Pairing Eunhae
Rating G
Word Count 1091
Genre Angst? AU
Summary It's the future, Eunhyuk's retiring after many years of working with Donghae, Donghae prepared a speech, and Eunhyuk is moving on.
A/N This isn't technically a drabble since it's more than 1000 words, but i still consider it a drabble.
AN2: Hey guys! guess what?! i actually wrote something! i know, shocking right? So here you go
Eunhyuk looks at Donghae as he is speaking. Smile for the cameras he thinks. Make people think you aren’t falling apart inside.
Today is Eunhyuk’s retirement party. Donghae is the special guest speaker. After more than 40 years pushing pencils, Eunhyuk is ready to move on. He deserves it.
“Eunhyuk has always been there for me and the whole company whenever any of us needed him. He truly was an outstanding worker. I don’t think I could have lasted this long without him. He really cared about us as a person, ready to pick us back up off our feet after we fell. If he could, he would have tried to catch us before we landed on our ass”
A few chuckes. More flashing cameras. Are all these people really here just for him?
Donghae turns to Eunhyuk and places his hand on his shoulder, like a brother, a friend. “Eunhyuk, you are an amazing person. You have a big heart, and everyone will greatly miss you. I remember when we first met about 30 something years ago -“
36 years ago Eunhyuk mentally corrects him.
“-you were the only one who even bothered showing me how to do things right. Filing, how to talk to people on the phone right, hell, even how to properly make coffee! I was just a newbie and didn’t know anything, and everyone else thought I should learn on my own. But you were nice enough to take time out of your busy day to help me.”
How could I not? You looked like you were scared shitless. You were overeager and naïve. Someone had to keep you from accidently burning the office down.
“And even after that you were always looking out for me. We kind of had an I-make-a-mistake-that-could-get-me-fired-and-then-you-clean-it-up-for-me relationship. You saved my job on more than one occasion.” Donghae threw Eunhyuk a knowing glance. Even with the wrinkles framing his eyes, the old twinkle was there. Time had not changed that much at least.
Eunhyuk spoke for the first time Donghae began his speech “Now don’t go saying anything that with get us in trouble” he jokes. But there is more to the story than that, and they both know it.
To summarize, Donghae put the whole company in danger of going out of business when he accidently filed their biggest sponsor’s contact information with the useless-people-we-shouldn’t-bother-talking-to pile. When Eunhyuk asked him where it was, what he really asked for was an all-nighter full of endless phone calls, frantic people, and coffee. Lots and lots of coffee.
After that mess was finally cleared up, Eunhyuk was exhausted, Donghae was almost ready to quit, and both of them were in desperate need of relaxation.
Eunhyuk offered to buy Donghae a drink at a bar not too far from their office. Donghae’s hands were shaking and he looked like he was about to break down.
“Don’t worry too much about it. Shit happens. People make mistakes. Besides, everything was taken care of in the end, so what’s the difference?”
“The difference is that it was my fault. How could I have been so stupid, and so goddamn careless?” Donghae buried his face in his hands and sighed.
Eunhyuk just pushed another shot towards him. “Drink it. Then it won’t seem as bad”
“Is that the solution then? Get drunk so I don’t have to deal with screwing up?” Donghae asked bitterly.
“If it works”
Donghae begins talking again, or maybe he never stopped and Eunhyuk was too busy remembering the night he started to see Donghae as more than just the new person he had to try to teach, he doesn’t know. But his attention is back again on the man who was such a big part of his life for almost half a century.
“I would be lying if I said that Eunhyuk wasn’t my best friend. We have been through so much together. Thick and Thin. He’s been there for literally everything big in my life.”
Out of the corner of Eunhyuk’s eye he sees a thin pretty girl with her mother’s hair and eyes, but her father’s nose and smile. Haneul is her name.
He flashes her a quick smile that only she catches. She returns it and adds a small thumbs up.
Eunhyuk thinks of Haneul as his daughter. He was there when she was born, trying to calm Donghae down in the waiting room.
“Can you believe this is actually happening? Can you believe I’m actually going to be a dad?”
No. Eunhyuk can’t believe it. He’s proud…he really is. “You better not misplace her like you do everything else” he’s joking, but Donghae knows that it’s the only way Eunhyuk can deal with serious situations.
“If I misplace her will you take me out for drinks again?” he attempts wearily to return Eunhyuk’s joke.
Eunhyuk laughs. “Sorry, that was a one time deal. I don’t believe in paying for other people.”
Eunhyuk’s been with Haneul all through her life. She either knows him as “Appa’s best friend” or as “her uncle”. Eunhyuk absolutely adores her. One can never have too many fathers right?
Donghae’s still talking. Eunhyuk doesn’t know what he is talking about, but he can hear his voice. Probably just meaningless garbage he thinks to himself. When is this going to be over? I want to go home and soak my feet.
“Anyways, I could go on and on about how Eunhyuk is a wonderful person, but I won’t hog the mic any more. So all in all, Eunhyuk, you have been such a big part of my life, and I can’t believe it’s coming to an end now. “Try to stay out of trouble wherever you end up okay?”
Eunhyuk doesn’t think he can handle it. This really is like saying goodbye now. He doesn’t know if he can deal with that. The thought of no more Donghae terrifies him. But this is what you wanted isn’t it? He asks himself. No more hurt. No more pain. No more feelings. No more longing.
He hugs Donghae tightly. He knows this is probably the last time he’ll breathe in his scent. Perhaps it’s a little too long, but neither one pays attention to that given the circumstances. A single tear threatens to leak it’s way out of Eunhyuk’s eye. He furiously blinks it away before it can. He promised himself he would never let himself cry over Donghae anymore a long time ago. Probably around the same time Donghae told him he was getting married.