Well.. my morning wasn't to great... Was kinda upset... Stayed up real late last night trying to make a music cd for Nikki and Jessica. A music cd filled with happy cheery music that I listen to. Yeah right. Actually some of the Japanese songs have cheery tunes... But the lyrics are all like "It hurts the way you treat me.... Or it's too late..." It's kinda funny.... Yeah so... Nikki didn't have a good morning either.... But it all turned back to happy around lunch time. I saw Adam and said hi... ect... I didn't dress otu during pe... Ehhehehehe.... Um... Drama... Nothing new... Yeah... Homeroom was the best part of my day so far... Jessica, Nikki, Laura, Sofia, and I played keep away form Jessica and Nikki I was the one keepign the stuff away... We played dog pile on Laura... LOL... And.... Let's lay down and bid on Nikki's stomach... Sofia didn't praticapte in so... *sniff sniff* Actually she did sit on top of me then get up causing yes to all fall down in dog pile on Laura... Which actually started out as dog pile on Jessica, but some how Laura got to the bottom... And... I didn't praticipate in biding on Nikki's stomach... I just tickled Nikki trying to get her to be quiet... Lol.... So.. That was fun... It's scary to have Nikki and Jessica chase after you... It is!
Um... Yesterday they got in a childish fight... It was funny. They pretended to be preschoolers... We were on the lower school playground to do pull ups on the bars... And well Jesica made a sand diaper while it wasn't her turn to do pull ups and Nikki played the part of the bully. And they called each other meanie head and poo poo head... yeah... I slapped them both on the arm lightly... then they called me mean and asked why I was "always so mean to them". And I ran away and they chased after me... Sometimes I really think they are preschoolers...
Um... Let's see... I listened to the mesage on the answer machine for the first time from last Friday... Omg.... I feel so loved... See the night before I was really upset... And wanted to die... And I was talkign to Nikki online and she was all "no!" And I finally said "Shut the fuck up!" And got off... I gopt on later to say sorry and, I'm fine but she had already gotten off. So the next day I was at the guidance consulour in the morning.. So they all thought I may have committed suicide. So, the called my house... Saying don't you dare and we love you and ect ect... I feel so loved by my friends.... And not from my fmaily... yay... I feel special inside...
Rachel's spending the night.. We are gonan watch Chobits! Yay! O.. And some one far off is laughing very hard right now.. B/c I downloaded episode "125" of Inu-Yasha and it turns out it's episdoe 123... GGGRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DIE!!!