Card Claim - Where Unwanted and Unloved cards fester and rot. :[
These cards are cards that are traded in at the Trade Shop, leftovers from members who quit and payment for member cards!
HOW TO CLAIM CARDS: ★ You may claim up to 3 cards per week. A week is a week after you made your comment, not a calendar week! ALSO, if I haven't replied to your claim after a week has passed, you may still make another claim! ★ Claims will take awhile for me to get to, but shouldn't take me more than a week. This is because I have to constantly add and take out cards and keep them in alphabetical order (AUGH), so please be patient. XD; ★ Comment to this post with the three cards you want to claim. You can post as many back-ups as you want in case you think these cards might be taken. ★ Every few months, the card claim will be purged and that will be the only time updates will be announced so people know there's a new post up. XD