YO WHAT'S UP GUYS 8D I... have a sort of important thing to say.
Due to working long hours, I've been unable to even think about anything computer-related as of late. Summer has been especially bad because my workplace is short-staffed and I'm not even getting a vacation. I've been so busy that I've only gotten a chance to really speak to two of my friends in the entire two months that I've been working.
Therefore, so that you guys aren't left hanging waiting for updates or new mods for things that I don't have time to assign new mods to, I'm putting Starcrossed on a temporary hiatus.
Firstly, this does not affect anyone's card post or card totals- when the game reopens, you'll still have all the same cards that you did before (assuming you don't leave the game, that is). You're more than welcome to finish up any outstanding updates you have to do, but after that you probably won't be receiving any more cards to update with for the time being. You won't be losing anything from thsi- rather, you'll be gaining a lot of compensation when the game opens back up. ~_~;
I'd like games to go on hold for now, since it's too difficult to keep handing out prizes when important things like the Trade Shop aren't currently functional. When the TCG comes back up, probably after summer, the games will be much more organized. There will also be site-based games that don't rely on mods to dish out prizes. For now, though, I'd love to ask the mods to hand out prizes before the end of their current game rounds and close them in the normal time frame! After that, your posting access will be temporarily disabled.
Lastly, modpay is on hold while nothing is going on, of course. :B
If you are seriously interested in taking up a position as a moderator for Trade Shop and Card Claim (I'd like the mod for those to do them both, since that seems to work the easiest) or any of the games from
my last post, please fill out the form below and post it here in a comment. I might not get back to you right away, but I'll do my best to read these and judge fairly.
Name:Livejournal Username:Email Address:Instant Messaging Screen Name: (AIM is preferred if you have it)
Position Applied For: (select one: Trade Shop/Card Claim, game mod (list games you want), backup mod)
Why do you want this position?Do you have graphics-making experience? (Please link to some examples if possible.)
Please apply only if you are serious and will still have time to do this in the future! I don't want to repeat this disaster. XD;
Also, I do NOT need any new mods for deck/membercard making or graphics. Please only apply for the things that I have said need mods for! I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, but I don't want to have to reject everyone who asks singularly.
I will be handling all hiring and making sure everyone knows what to do before reopening the game. I'll also try to work on some update-related stuff and better ideas for some other things that seem to have been left in the dust, such as event cards... but I'm not making any promises due to the pathetic amount of free time I have.
Sorry for the inconvenience this is probably going to cause a lot of people. I'll totally understand if you'd rather quit than help me out... but I really can honestly say that I don't have the time to manage a TCG this summer, and I don't want to leave a whole bunch of ends untied. It just makes so many aspects of the game less fun for everybody. Thank you so much for your understanding, and I promise I'll try to reopen as soon as I possibly can!