
May 07, 2005 00:15

[My name is]: Katherine
[In the morning I am]: tired
[All I need is]: ...
[Love is]: I don't know
[I am afraid of]: losing loved ones, heights
[I dream about]: my future...

-.H A V E .Y O U. E V E R .-
[Pictured your crush naked?]: erm no
[Actually seen your crush naked]: negative
[Been in love]: nope
[Cried when someone died]: yes
[Lied]: yes

-.W H I C H . I S . B E T T E R.-
[Coke or Pepsi]: coke
[Flowers or candy]: flowers
[Tall or short]: somewhere pleasantly in the middle

-.W I T H .T H E. O P P O S I T E. S E X.-
[What do you notice first?]: personality?
[Last person u slow danced with?]: umm...

-.W H O.-
[Makes you laugh the most?]: Jenn
[Makes you smile]: idk
[Do you have a crush on someone?]: kind of
[Has a crush on you?]: maybe?
[Easiest to talk to]: my friends

-.D O. Y O U. E V E R.-
[Sit on the internet all day waiting for someone special to I.M. you?] no
[Save Aol/aim conversations]: if they're funny
[Wish you were a member of the opposite sex]: no
[Cried because of someone saying something to you]: no...

-.H A V E .Y O U .E V E R.-
[Fallen for your best friend]: no
[Been rejected]: yes
[Rejected someone]: yes
[Used someone]: no
[Been cheated on]: probably
[Done something you regret]: yes

-.W H O .W A S .T H E .L A S T. P E R S O N.-
[You talked to on the phone]: mother
[Hugged]: Jenn I think...
[You instant messaged]: Lorenzo
[You laughed with]: Jenn
-.D O .Y O U.-
[Colour your hair]: nope
[Ever get off the damn computer]: yes
[Habla espanol]: yes

-.D O .Y O U / / A R E .Y O U.-
[Smoke cigarettes]: no
[Obsessive]: heh sometimes
[Could you live without the computer?]: yes
[How many peeps are on your buddy list] : 101
[What's your favourite food?]: tacos
[What's your favourite fruit?]: watermelon/strawberries
[Drink alcohol?]: no
[Like watching sunrises or sunset]: sunset b/c I generally choose not to wake up early enough for sunrise
[What hurts the most?]: ...
[Trust ppl?]: mostly

-.N U M B E R.-
[Of times I have had my heart broken?]: I dunno
[Of hearts I have broken?]: Umm...
[Of continents I have lived in?]: this one
[Of drugs taken illegally?]: none
[Of tight friends?]: idk
[Of cd's that I own?]: somewhere in the vicinity of lots
[Of scars on my body?]: Not something I would think to count, nor do I fele like counting...
[Of things in my past that I regret?]: hmm... this looks familiar
[How I'm feeling]: COLD
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