Mar 16, 2006 21:47
I'm gonna stop posting in this for a while
I'm sorry to all of you who care about my rants *chuckle*
I'm gonna go try to save the world
Anyone wanna help me?
Mar 15, 2006 20:21
i've found everyone to be quite condescending about my lady situation
so what i was thinking is
hey sam!
lets go double team some hoes
it's kind of like that
taste a shockingly refreshing new LJ post
....PS I miss physical contact with girls
Mar 12, 2006 22:06
you're all 15 now
act like it
you should work on being sensible young adults
and stop fucking crying out for attention
i thought you guys were mature enough to not cause drama about "who's a better friend"
talk to me when you are
Mar 11, 2006 13:40
(except for special occasions... like... when i have some)
special occasions = evan's birthday at a waterpark
don't claim things like that you're quitting
unless you're going to
there's all too much of that these days
Mar 09, 2006 20:45
he took me dancing in those moonbeams
i love Jason
and everything about him
i think people have been forgetting about being bros lately
and i feel refreshed
Mar 08, 2006 13:34
I'm not getting any better with my bass playing
Mikey and I were discussing just having a night to sit and jam
If we could find people who weren't just gonna get bored and noodle
and actually want to do it, then I REALLY want to do it
i haven't played anything but metal for ages
Mar 07, 2006 22:30
seeing everyone talk about the tour and how great its gonna be
reminds me of how I'm NOT going
but i AM the replaceable one in the band
and no matter how jokingly... it does suck to know that
Mar 07, 2006 22:12
no complaints
i'm a pretty happy dude
i'm done feeling down
(at least for a while)