
Apr 01, 2005 10:25

I dunno guys..this blond thing, ain't working..*looks at my hair* why oh why did I decide to dye it blonde?

Did I do it for attention? Did I do it cuz of who is driving me crazy, or what I plan to do with it once that certain someone sees it?

Did I do it because I wanted to? Definite possibility...

Just kidding guys...see the date? Top of the screen...jiminy...


So...I'm going out to the movies with Greg and Andrya tonight to go see Sin City *jumps for joy* I'm really excited! 7:35 if anyone's commin...

I dunno anymore about the whole guy thing...I know who I want to be with, even if nobody else thinks I should. And NO, it's not who you think it is, you losers :-p.

Wish me luck's ta hopin.

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