Title: The Greatest Bazaar in the Galaxy 1/2
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Ten/Rose
Rating: PG
Summary: The Doctor and Rose go to a planet. Trouble ensues. Takes place after "Fear Her" and right before "Army of Ghosts".
It had started, as so many of their trips did, with a brilliant idea. )
Comments 5
The reason I love these things is because I can't do them. You, however, well and truly can.
It's great that this explains some of the opening to Army of Ghosts. It's even more excellent because of the "future visit" concept. I can only imagine how a Fear Her-era Doctor is going to react to the idea of someone meeting him later in life but *without* Rose. Talk about tension.
I'm really impressed with how well you managed to weave everything together. Shout outs to little things mentioned in cannon make me go yaaaaay.
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