We all seem to need the help of someone else

Mar 09, 2006 21:17

Woo. Time for a picture entry of past events. =) Roll the mouse over the pics to read some description crap.

This is a big rice krispies treat. I told Vero about it before I showed her the pic on my phone and she was disappointed cause she thought that it'd be the size of Hawaii or something.

Verooca-ook. LMFAO.

Yeah...so I do this thing that whenever me, Donny, and Vero go out to eat at a restaurant place, I steal a butter knife. I am the butter knife bandit.

Oh jeez.  I had on Donny's nipple-beanie [cause it looks like a huge white nipple], his blazer and I think I had on something else of his too cause he went to go to the bathroom or something and I just told him to hang all his shit on me. Which he did. So I walked around Borders like that for most of the time we were in there and I kept following Vero around and stopping when she stopped and tilted my head and stared at her until she looked at me. Then I got some pair of really annoyingly colourful glasses, put them on, and repeated the same thing and was like "would if I really did that?" And she was like "that's the time I'd stop being your friend."

So...does anyone else see an inconspiciously large man behind me?

I'm a loser.

But then again, so's your FACE. <3


Asian much?

This is Dom.

He's rather lovely when he doesn't look like that.

Woo. Strike a gangsta pose, man.

Me and Vero left Meleeya's christening reception cause it was so fucking boring and stuffy cause we'd been there for like 3-4 hours and so we just left and walked around the few blocks around the restaurant and found this mural. I fit perfectly inside the Empire State building. =)

Aww, I miss Aaron. And stalking his sexy ass.

Vero said this looks like I'm drawing the city scene. But whatever. =P

I wanna go back and see if it's still there next time I go.

The sign is bigger than the restaurant. =))

Fucking beautiful little baby. ARGHHHHHHHHHH <3333333333333333333333333333333

Drunken Meleeya coming to an AA meeting near you!

In hospital to visit Sharlene's aunt, Meleeya got aquainted with an unopened pepsi can. She kept trying to drink from it like normal adult-ish people do and it was really cute cause she was like cooing and "mmm"ing as she gummed at the can.

No, those aren't vertical boobies, just my arm bent at the elbow joint you sick bastards. This is a picture of my knee when I got out of the shower yesterday. I had slipped and fell on it a few days before and then I tripped over my mummy's TV chord whilst running and I fell super hard on it again. It hurt like a spike through the vagina.

Not that I know how much that hurts.


Don't tell anyone okay?


I'm queer.
But I love it.

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