Fandom(s): Stargate SG-1, Star Wars Character(s) Involved:Osiris/Luke, Ra and Ba'al, Osiris and Ba'al Special Requests: Um, Supplemental Material: None needed? Miscellaneous/Other: WACKY AU TOTALLY COOL :D
Fandom(s): Night Angel Trilogy (<3) Character(s) Involved: Durzo Special Requests: I love Durzo for the grumpy sonuva he is, so snark and grump would be appreciated. Miscellaneous/Other: I'm half way through Beyond the Shadows, so I may not entirely understand the content if you dip into spoilers.
Comments 7
Journal: wayward_muses
Prompt Choices: 077.) Phone Call
175.) All I ask
123.) Worst Day
Fandom(s): Stargate SG-1, Star Wars
Character(s) Involved:Osiris/Luke, Ra and Ba'al, Osiris and Ba'al
Special Requests: Um,
Supplemental Material: None needed?
Miscellaneous/Other: WACKY AU TOTALLY COOL :D
...[gets ideas and is amused]
Journal: virusq
Prompt Choices:
043.) Last Dance
090.) Perfection
135.) Punch
Fandom(s): Night Angel Trilogy (<3)
Character(s) Involved: Durzo
Special Requests: I love Durzo for the grumpy sonuva he is, so snark and grump would be appreciated.
Miscellaneous/Other: I'm half way through Beyond the Shadows, so I may not entirely understand the content if you dip into spoilers.
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