Title: Old Enough to Know Better
starfireficFandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Jack/Martha (Doctor implied)
Word Count: ~360 words
Genre: Angst, angst baby
Rating: PG13 for mentions of sex
Author's Notes:Written for one of the
Doctor Who Challenge #10 prompts - "No one knows the age of the human race, but everybody agrees that it is old enough to know
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Comments 41
At least in the real 'verse they managed to move on. This is an interesting look at what might have happened if they hadn't, if they'd stayed.
Yeah, this was *supposed* to be a hurt/comfort where, in the process of comforting her, Jack tells her that she has to get out before it destroys her, which then ends up being the catalyst for her leaving speech that I loved so much at the end of s3.
It was also *supposed* to be from Martha's POV, and end with her resolution to make a new life for herself once they get back to Earth, and have her all strong and determined and resolute the way I like her, damnit... Plus, I figured that since I'm having Jack be so much of a bastard over in the Demand-verse, I really owed him a chance to be all sensitive and SNAG-ish in this piece.
Except my paranoid hypochondria demons apparently weren't satisfied tonight with anything less than a total victory for my inner emo, so there you have it. Angst was needed, and yea, verily, angst hath there been. Whether this turns out to be a good or a bad thing for my writing remains to be seen....
It's weird how fics can end up somewhere completely different from where you intended, isn't it? I do like this one, though. I love 'what-if's.
Yeah... sometimes I know exactly where I want to go with a piece of writing and it more or less behaves exactly how I expected it to. Other times? Yeah... other times it definitely develops a mind of its own!
Seriously, thank you for the kind words (and for commenting at all... I really appreciate it!)
Yeah, Jack/Martha's totally drawing me as a pairing at the moment - that's two challenges in a row that have just screamed 'Jack/Martha' at me. And I promise, I'm not usually such an angst-bunny. A little, sure... but like Jack, I'm getting a little old for the all-angst-all-the-time brand of fic. It's kinda exhausting, if nothing else!
Oh sure you are!
Look... see... only a little angst ;-P !
Fun as the angst was to play with, I'm kinda glad this *isn't* how things turned out - that they did go off and have their own lives (which I'm looking forward to getting to - I've just seen to ep3 of TW s2 so far, so at least Jack's got part of his life back now... but I'm really looking forward to seeing what Martha does with herself.
And I've promised the person I'm watching it with that I won't watch ahead until I see them again this weekend. It's a test of will, I can tell you!
But I'm really glad you enjoyed - thanks so much for commenting!
Very angsty and bittersweet, yet lovely too.
I suspect that once I start seeing Martha popping up at UNIT (yeah, I'm kinda spoiled for that already), and see more of Jack in TW, the Martha/Jack/Ten muse will desert me. Which just makes it more important to write this while I still can, I guess :-)
(Well that and the fact I seem to be writing Martha with umpteen other characters, male and female !)
It wasn't until the second time around of viewing DW s3 that I really started to see the layered complexity of DW!Jack... up until that point he'd just struck me as pretty and flirty on the surface, but without much there under the pretty to support it. After rewatching the season though, I'm seeing far more of what's deeper down in Jack, and getting quite a few DW!Jack plot bunnies coming through because of it.
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