Title: Hurt me
starfireficFandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Jack/Ten
Word Count: ~1,700 words
Genre: Yet more angst, angst baby
Rating: PG13 for one teeny swear from Jack, and some general nastiness around concepts
Author's Notes:Inspired by the accompanying icon (ganked from
sushi_kitten), and my apparent current need for people to cry in Jack's arms (although
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Comments 22
And the twist of how Jack gets round it is just brilliant.
*Goes to rec*
So instead I'll point to your icon and squee more, and say that, had it not been for the fact that sushi's "hurt me" icon had visually inspired this piece, yours would be the *perfect* accompaniment for it...
Thanks again (oops!)
And yet it's from a tiny, tiny moment just before a scene-change in Utopia that you'd probably never notice if someone hadn't capped it and made an icon from it!
...and it was my pleasure. It's a great fic.
I'm not quite sure where Martha is during this (possibly she's managed to get to sleep somewhere offstage), but it was the interaction between the two of them that really jumped out in my mind, so that's what I've written.
Thanks again for commenting
A part of Jack envies the Time Lord those tears. And wonders, deep down, if he’ll ever have anyone to hold him the way he’s holding the Doctor now
I really like the whole story, but I REALLY like that bit. That is just so, very, very JACK.
Ummmm, yes.
*reigns in squee response to less embarrassing levels*
Thank you for the feedback, and for letting me know you liked it. I'm really glad this Jack seems in character for you - because that, coming from you with the quality of your characterisation, is about the highest praise I can imagine getting.
Back when the fic idea first hit (after seeing the icon that sushi_kitten used to comment on a previous fic), it was actually going to be based around a more physical hurting between the two. Not kinkfic, exactly, but *something* physically cathartic. Right up until the moment I got inside Jack's head in the second sentence and realised that no way in hell was he going to be up to anything like the control that would need - and Jack being Jack, he knew that if he tried going in without it, there could be no other possible outcome other than regret ( ... )
Yep, EXACTLY and that makes total sense for Jack and just WORKS. and you're so totally welcome.
I honestly wasn't sure if the idea that of the words "I forgive you" being the thing that hurts the doctor and creates the catharsis (OK, apparently, my word of the day is 'catharsis') he needs would work anywhere outside of my brain, but I get the impression from people's responses that yeah, it actually does. I can't tell you how relieved I am to discover this!
Thanks again for commenting
It's powerfully written and, as I said, I think it's perfect. :-)
Also, teeny little typo: "He used to be better a far better liar than this." Feels like it needs some punctuation in the middle or something.
Fixed now... and yeah, the icon totaly begged to have something written around it! Especially if you're a starfire, and prone to such ways of thinking anyway...
At some point, I'm going to have to write something around your icon above... because there's no way in hell *that* could be made angsty without dissolving into total crackfic. And no, starfire_brain... that's not a challenge...
'Cause Jack is just better than better!
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