Title: Anything with a Postcode
starfireficFandoms: Torchwood/Farscape
Characters: Owen, Jack, Zhaan (implied)
Word Count: ~1,500
Genre: Errrrr... sort of angst/bleak humour/snark/character study?
Rating: PG13 [for language and mentions of sex]
Beta: The lovely
jebbypal Spoilers: Very minor blink-and-you'll-miss-them spoilers for mid-to-late s1 Torchwood.
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Comments 2
As for Farscape? It's a great show, if a tad overreliant on fart-humour for its lols on occasion. Luckily, those occasions don't happen too often, and the bits in between, plus the wonderful, wonderful characters more than make up for it.
Plus, of course, I'll forgive a lot if it means I get to have Ben Browder (and Claudia Black) in leather...
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