The birds got new cages, too. Unfortunately, I didn't get all their perches and toys back in for them, but they're happy. I swear Daphne and Buddy love new cages. I guess they like change.
Buddy and Daphne's new digs. It's actually smaller than their old cage, for now. I plan to make both dove cages bigger and am actually looking for a home for the other pair.
Daphne loves to swing or roost on this perch.
Hermione and Pyrrhus (pronounced Paris)... Hermione was grooming Paris until I came by with the camera... then it was all, "dude, get out of my face! I wasn't doin' NOTHIN'"
That's all for today. More when I can get some. I just joined photobucket and me likey. I'm so tired and hope that I'm not sore tomorrow. Ross was called to work today shortly after we got started so I just kept going until it was done. Who says girls aren't handy?