General Information
● What is your name?
James Tiberius Kirk
● Do you go by a nickname or pet name?
● How old are you?
● What is your height?
6 1/2 feet
● What is your weight?
175 lbs. I look better without my clothes.
● Describe yourself as you see yourself.
Devilishly handsome with rogue tendencies.
● Describe yourself as others typically see you.
And I repeat "a genius repeat offender". Though I suspect that's changed since it's been a few years
● What is your favorite body feature?
Every part. Now ladies when a man says he doesn't have one then he's lying to you. I'm sure you can all guess what body part he would protect if it came right down to it.
● How physically fit are you?
Pretty fit. I'm good in a fight against a group of tough guys.
● How do you typically dress and what is your style?
When I'm not wearing a Starfleet regulation uniform than jeans, a t-shirt and a leather jacket.
● Who are your parents and what are they like?
Father, George Kirk died on the USS Kelvin just after I was born to buy time for the crew to escape. That's pretty much all I know about him. Winona Kirk, and I couldn't really tell you. She's off-planet a lot.
● Do you have any brothers or sisters?
An older brother, George Samuel Kirk.
● What is your extended family like?
My uncle's a drunken jackass and I suppose my grandparents are alright.
● Do you consider close friends as important or more/less important than family?
More important depending on which family member I'm supposed to be comparing them to.
● Do you treat animals like family?
Not really. We didn't have any pets growing up and having a farm animal as family is only going to hurt when you turn them into bacon or steak.
● Where were you born?
Kelvin's medical shuttle no. 37 in space.
● Where do you live now?
The USS Enterprise.
● If you could live anywhere, where would that be?
I'm living exactly where I want to.
● Do you have a favorite place to vacation or spend leisure time?
Not really. Haven't gotten a chance to find a place to vacation. As for leisure time, I spend that in the recreation room on the ship.
● Where do you fear to be?
Tarsus IV.
● Do you have any physical weaknesses (disease, scars, and missing limbs)?
Some scars from the fights I've been in and I'm allergic to some of the antidote hypos Bones injected me with but that's all.
● Are you right handed or left handed?
● What languages do you speak? What do you sound like? Do you have an accent?
English and a few alien ones. Rough? How the hell should I know, I don't pay attention to things like that. Everyone has an accent depending on who they're speaking to.
● Do you have any odd mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics?
Doesn't everyone? I'm sure Mr. Spock, Bones and Lt. Uhura can tell you all about my annoying habits.
● Do you have (or want to get) any tattoos or piercing? Why do you have them (or will get them)?
No to both. I don't plan on getting any.
● What is your occupation?
Starfleet Captain of the USS Enterprise.
● Do you like/dislike your work? Why?
Who wouldn't love to be the Captain of a starship exploring the universe in search of new worlds and races?
● If you could be anything you wanted to, what would you be?
I'm already doing it.
● What occupation do you admire the most? Why?
None really. Anyone can do any sort of job if they put their mind to it. So it's not about who has the most admirable job but what they do with that responsibility.
● What occupation do you least like? Why?
Again none. While some jobs may not be as glamorous as others that doesn't make them any less important.
● What sort of child were you?
I was a good kid once. Then I drove a car off a cliff and got picked up by the police. That's how it went down after it.
● What is your favorite memory from childhood?
In the eighth grade I ditched school to see this band perform. In order to get there I stole Uncle Frank's car keys from right under his drunken nose and drove there. I didn't come home until the cops found me.
● What is your worst memory from childhood?
Not discussing this.
● What sort of relationship did you have with your parents?
My dad died just after I was born but I've always been in his shadow. I hate him sometimes. As for my mother, let's just say we work better at a long-distance sort of thing.
● Who was your most influential role model?
My brother in those early years, then Captain Pike for challenging me to get out of Iowa.
● What sort of education do you have?
Standard up until I went to the Starfleet Academy.
● Do you like/dislike learning?
I only take classes that interest me and for those required classes I don't like I find them boring.
● Where or how did you learn most of your skills/abilities?
Iowa, the streets and Starfleet Academy.
● How do you learn best?
I'm very hands on. And lots of "private studying".
● What are your educational goals for the future?
Experience mostly. I want to go out there and learn everything I can about the universe. If I have to take some sort of class in the future to keep my position then I will.
● Do you form close bonds with people? Why? Why not?
Depends on how much I like them. I've got a few close friends.
● Do you trust people easily? If not, why not?
Again it really depends on the person and the situation. As a Captain I'm expected to give someone the chance to prove themselves trustworthy but also to keep a sharp eye on them.
● Do you consider yourself straight, gay, bi, or something else?
I'm "flexible".
● Have you ever been kissed? If so, describe the first time.
Oh yeah, definitely. I was thirteen, it was awkward and rushed like any first kiss.
● Have you ever had sex? If so, describe the first time.
Yeah. I had just turned eighteen, she was twenty-five and just a drifter getting a drink at the local bar. Let's just say I liked it so much that I kept having sex.
Drugs and Alcohol
● Have you ever been drunk? If so, describe your first time.
Please, look at who you're talking too. I was sixteen and a few of the older boys in town had gotten their hands on some beer. They were throwing a party out in the barns of one of their houses and invited all of the cool kids. It was broken up by the cops.
● Do you like to drink on a regular basis?
I used to but it's harder as a Captain.
● What sort of alcohol do you prefer?
The strong ones. Whiskey, scotch and a few unearthly kinds.
● Have you ever tried drugs (mood altering substances)? If so, which kinds and what did you think of them?
Nah, never really found the effects they cause very appealing.
● What do you think of drugs and alcohol? Be specific.
Drugs are ridiculous. They're way too addictive and damaging for people to take them but hey, it's not my life they're screwing with really. Don't think I could go without my alcohol however. Sure it's easy to become an alcoholic and spend your money on booze but everyone has their vices.
Likes and Dislikes
● What are your hobbies?
Riding my bike, hand-to-hand combat, sex, drinking.
● Do you like to read?
It depends on my mood.
● What annoys you more than anything else?
People waving my dad's accomplishments in my face.
● What do you find the most relaxing activity to do?
Fighting. Don't knock it until you try it.
● What kinds of things embarrass you? Why?
Not much really. It's hard to embarrass me.
● What is your favorite color or colors?
Black, and blue I suppose.
● What is your favorite time of day?
Night when you can see the stars.
● What is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen?
The USS Enterprise. That ship's a beauty and the only girl I'll ever need.
● What do you like to eat? What do you hate to eat?
Apples. They keep the Doctor away. Brussel sprouts. Whoever the hell came up with those should be shot.
● What is your favorite type of weather? Does any kind scare you?
Clear skies and no. I'm not afraid of the weather in any of its forms.
● Are you optimistic or pessimistic?
I try to be an optimistic. It works especially with Mr. Spock being such a realist and Bones a pessimistic.
● What are your religious views?
Don't have any.
● Would you be able to kill?
I would if it meant the safety of someone else.
● What are your views on sex?
If I was a religious man I'd pray to God or whatever for making it possible.
● What, in your opinion, makes a successful life?
When I find the answer to that question I'll be sure to answer it.
● What is the worst and best thing you’ve ever done?
So far? The best would have to be saving the USS Enterprise and the Earth from destruction. As for the worst, well, there's nothing I haven't looked back on and thought was the worst thing I'd done. Others might disagree with that.
● What is your greatest regret?
Not driving the car off the cliff earlier.
● What is your best/worst memory?
Not getting into this one.
● If you could change one thing about your past, what would it be and why?
Or this.
● What are you the most proud of doing in your life?
Deserving my status as a Starfleet Captain and being right when I told Pike I'd do it in three.
● How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings with others?
Pretty honest with those I can trust. Or when I just don't like them all that much.
● Do you have any biases or prejudices?
Sure, doesn't almost everyone?
● What makes you happy?
Sitting in the Captain's chair.
● Who or what, if anything, would you die for?
My crew. We may be new on our mission but each of my crew members have already proven to be special individuals.
● What makes you angry?
Too many things to list.
● In general, how do you treat others?
Mostly, the way they deserve to be treated. If they're assholes then that's how I'm going to treat them.
● Who is the most important person in your life, and why?
I guess that would be Bones. He's the closest person to me and has been ever since we left Iowa. We just sort of click and the guy's my best friend.
● Who is the person you respect the most, and why?
Spock...Prime. Guy's got some pretty sound advice for dealing with Spock and I may need all the help I can get. After that I would have to say Pike for the way he handled those Romulans.
● Do you have a spouse or significant other? If not, describe an ideal lover.
Nope, don't have one. Someone who wouldn't mind if I flirted because they trusted me not to cheat, but someone who can keep up with my libido and keep me in check if I do start to go too far. A person not afraid to stand up to me despite our positions or correct me when I'm wrong, even if it means getting physical. An individual who would protect me but be able to know when I need to fight my own battles and who would let me fight for them. It wouldn't hurt if they were attractive, either.
● Do you trust anyone to protect you? Who, and why?
Bones, simply for the fact that he's my best friend and helped me sneak onto the Enterprise. Not to mention that it would be pretty stupid not to trust my doctor. Sulu, the man's in charge of piloting the ship most of the time so a lot of the crew has to put their lives in his hands. And he did save my ass back on Vulcan with his kiss-ass sword fighting. Chekov, he's young but he's got an intelligent mind. Scotty, the man's a genius when it comes to dealing with the engineering of the ship. Spock Prime, he knows a lot about the other version of me and seemed pretty loyal even though we aren't exactly the same person. Plus he did say we were friends. Spock, we may not always see eye-to-eye but he's got strength which I've been on the opposing side of once but I think he's coming around. He did return to the Enterprise even though he knew I was the Captain. That says a lot about the guy.
Group Situations
● Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict?
I'm all for arguing. Sometimes I argue because we don't see things the same way and sometimes I argue just for the hell of it.
● Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations?
Definitely. And not just in social situations either.
● Do you like interacting with large groups of people? Why or why not?
I don't mind it. I'm good with large groups, smaller ones and even one-on-one situations. Guess I'm just a people person.
● Do you care what others think of you?
Not really. Guess I'll have to start thinking otherwise if I'm going to keep my position as Captain.
● What do you think of others, in general?
It's not easy to group people together like that. Some are idiots and do stupid things, some are sheep and just follow after the leaders and others are great.
Self Image
● What is your greatest strength as a person?
My determination. It never fails me when a job needs done no matter what kind of job it is.
● What is your greatest weakness?
My cockiness. It gets in the way sometimes.
● If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Nothing. If I'd wanted to change something then it's all a matter of setting my mind to it.
● Are you generally introverted or extroverted?
Extroverted definitely. I'm outgoing and not afraid to speak up.
● Are you generally organized or messy?
Messy, so very messy but I do know how to be organized.
● What God or Goddess do you find most appealing, if any?
Aphrodite. Who wouldn't want a piece of that?
● Which God or Goddess do you fear, if any?
None. I'm not afraid of any of them.
● Do you have any Gnosis Marks? If so, how did you receive them?
Nope, none of those.
● What lengths would you go to to please your deity?
Oh please. I wouldn't do anything to please a deity unless it meant the life of my crew.
● Where do you draw the line at pleasing your deity? What is too much?
If I had a deity then I wouldn't kill for them. Or even stick around for them.
Life & Death
● What do you absolutely live for?
Excitement, adventure. If you can't live big then what are you living for?
● What is the best part of life?
The unknown. Nothing like a good mystery to figure out.
● What is the best part of death?
Why is this even a question? How can death be good for anyone unless they're suffering?
● If you could choose, how would you want to die?
Protecting people. Preferably a lot of people but I'd settle for a single person too. I'd want it to be quick. None of those long, drawn-out deaths.
● What is the one thing for which you would most like to be remembered after your death?
Nothing. I've lived in the shadow of a father who sacrificed himself for his crew and it's not a pleasant ride. They expect you to live up and follow in his footsteps. The only good thing that came out of it was the fact that I wanted to do better than him, and I have.