First Post!

Apr 03, 2011 14:15


                “Oh my God, this is so cool,” I breathed, my eyes bulging as the bookcase swung open.  Part of my brain is screaming the same thing, while another part is going, “This could be dangerous.”  I curse my indecisiveness as I stand there for a minute, well, undecided.  Then I said aloud, not too loudly - partly because I was in a library and partly because I didn’t really want anyone else to find this - “Screw it, there is no way I am missing out on this opportunity!”

To explain a little, I’ve always loved fiction books and have longed for adventure.  But, you know, it’s the real world.  I didn’t really expect it to happen.  But speaking of books, I’ve learned a lot from them, and one of those lessons is not to go off alone without letting anyone know.  I hesitated again, then pulled a pen out of my purse and scribbled “Found a real adventure!  If not back by,” - I glanced at the time on my phone and added the time an hour from now - “call me on my cell.  If no answer, help.”  I signed my name and stuffed it in the books I had already chosen so that it stuck out noticeably and set them on the floor.  Straightening up, I stepped bravely into the dark passage.

It really was dark inside and I set my feet carefully.  It was just getting so that I couldn’t see when I came upon a set of steep stairs.  Placing a hand on the wall and holding my phone before me to shed a little light, I continued.

It felt like forever before I reached the bottom.  I wasn’t sure what to expect, but it didn’t surprise me to see several doors.  That was it; just doors, lined up along the wall.  I could feel my indecisiveness setting in again and jerked myself forward to the door straight in front of me to get a closer look.  “There’s something inscribed on here…” I realized and murmured aloud.  I pressed a button on my phone as it dimmed and brought it closer to see.  “Harry… Potter?”  Confused, but not wanting to choose too fast, I moved over and looked at the next door.  “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe?”  I moved down the row of doors, reading book titles off of the old wood of the doors.

I would have gone on and on, just reading the doors to see what all books were there, but it hit me that I only had an hour - less now - and if I didn’t stop and open one, I may never find out what lay behind.  A lot of the titles were of books I hadn’t read, so I ran back down the hallway, stopping every few steps to make sure I didn’t run too far, until I got back to the Harry Potter door.  As I reached for the door, I realized that my hands were shaking.  I gulped and turned the handle.  It didn’t move.

I jiggled it, but it wasn’t until I peered closer that I realized that there was a dial above the knob.  Right then, it was on a section that read “Locked.”  The other ten sections read the titles of all of the Harry Potter books, plus “The Marauder’s Era,” “Prologue of the First Book,” and “After.”  I picked the first book and tried the handle again: it opened.

Warm air and sunshine hit me, blinded me, but I stepped through blinking it away.  A suburban street met me.  The obvious thoughts of how impossible this was spun through my head until I noticed the street sign: Privet Drive.  Bam!  The “no way, this is impossible” thoughts doubled, but now I was at least three times as excited.

The sound of cans in a bag sounded behind me, and as I turned around that bag of cans connected with the side of my head.  I was knocked out, barely registering the feeling of falling towards the ground.

I could hear arguing above me as I regained consciousness, but I was too fuzzy to make it out.  Then the pain of being whacked in the head suddenly returned and I groaned.

My eyes flickered as I tried to open them.  A library worker was bending over me.  “Are you okay?”  He helped me up.  “Looks like you tripped and hit your head.”

I knew I didn’t, but I also knew that the chance was done and gone.

prompt, fanfiction, harry potter

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