Title: No
Author: snoopygirll
Pairing: Jack/Daniel
Challenge: Friendship
Set: Early Season 10
A simple no wasn't going to stop Daniel going to Atlantis this time.
"I'd like to fly up and see you before I leave," Daniel was saying in his ear. Jack lifted a file and frowned at the one under it.
"You know where to find me," said Jack checking the next file as he prepared to hang up.
"And, Jack."
"Daniel?" Jack gave up and started clicking his fingers for his assistant.
"Nothing you say, do or tie me to is going to stop me."
"Bye, Daniel," said Jack throwing the phone down. "What's-her-name with the what's-it wanting Daniel?"
"Vala Mal Doran?"
"Approve that contact today, will you. No wait, Monday. Daniel's going to be tied up this weekend," said Jack with a straight face.