Title: The Birthday Ball
miera_cRating: PG-13
Summary: Nearly a year has passed since Princess Elizabeth's short-lived marriage to Simon Wallis. As her 16th birthday approaches, changes begin to creep into her life and the lives of those in her inner circle.
Part 1 )
Comments 4
"A stampede of what?" Jack demanded.
"Suitors," Catherine said with the air of someone being overly patient. "Sixteen is widely considered marriageable age. Even aside from the noblemen in Atalan who might seek her hand, there are any number of men from other nations who, I have no doubt, are already awaiting a chance to present themselves to the princess and attempt to win her favor."
"They'll have to get through Sumner first," Tagan said with a grin, but Catherine shook her head.
HEE! Indeed, they will have to get through the excellent captain first! Ah, Sumner, I miss you. ;)
Great start! :)
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Oh, Ren!Teyla. You are so great. :-)
Sumner! I miss him so much. *huggles Sumner*
I love Ren!Teyla, and it's really great to see the contrast between these moments of trying to learn the ropes of court life in her younger days, and the recent stories where we see the present-day Teyla moving so effortlessly through the court. The developments are fabulous.
Marcus! Hmm, I wonder if Lady Felicia is that one woman who hurt Marcus in the past... And that brat Matthew Glaston is her brother. You know, if it turns out that his history of bad behavior towards Elizabeth is because he got snubbed as a potential suitor, I'm going to be seriously annoyed at that little prick.
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