home was good he met my parents and i wasn't worry that he would say something stupid i guess i just over analyse over worry for no reason my exam was okay last night what i was expecting what i wasn't prepared for but i suppose we can't have it all.. i am le tired..
early nights early mornings 50 pages and counting counting till monday small lies small love quite enjoyment quite realization words peanut butter and chocolate freedom on tuesday bottle of wine 2 more latin classes graduation rome feeling a little alienated from people i used to hold dear change good change...for once
i know that i probably would have had fun tonight but 7 comes early and drunk people bug the shit out of me so maybe i'll just smoke some weed watch some bad TV and call it a night i feel older lately and have realized that i have to make certain choices even if they aren't the most fun oh well school will be over soon and then i will be able to