This is another one of my poems, and it's not a personal one this time. I thought I'd try something new. I hope you all enjoy it, not that it's all that happy. And please, let me know what you think.
The street lights are dim,
the air is fogged and wet
and I can't help it;
everyone to me is him.
I fall to my knees
and weep the ugly weep of a man.
But am I really?
'Are you ok?'
An unknown voice.
Fuck shit I'm not.
'Leave me alone! Go away.'
My shoulders wet.
I sob some more.
This is the wreck that I am.
My head turns round.
It's him.
This time it is.
I recognize that sound.
It's his laugh.
But it isn't,
because he's gone.
Pulled from my arms in a fit to survive.
But he just couldn't.
I cough on a bubble,
The kind that pains the throat,
and wail some more.
'Look at that thing.'
Who, me?
'Never have I seen such an awful sight.
This is really something.'
I'm nothing.
I'm worthless.
Because I can't be without him.
I remove my hands from my face with a grumble.
Looking around at the unseeable world,
the dark wetness of everything.
I stand myself up with a stumble.
And I crack.
I can't take this.
The pain has become too much.
I let the rain drown me.
Lungs are strained
and bright splotches of yellow fill my gaze
and I know, now we can be forever
an eternity.