Resident Evil 0

Oct 15, 2010 13:35

Tried to get into Resident Evil 0 again. I don't know why but I just cannot play that game, it may have something to do with the way you cary things or the CPU controlled crap AI. I don't know but I just cannot play that game.

It is not a bad game and it is not because it is not as good as RE 1-3. Hell I played RE Gaiden to the end just fine.

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Comments 2

abrahmlion October 16 2010, 13:13:31 UTC
Resident Evil 0 is another example of a game that goes nowhere, fast. The potential is there, but it's never realized ( ... )


stargemini October 17 2010, 02:35:42 UTC
I think I gave the game to a friend to play and never picked it back up again because I was so bored with it. So I gameflyed itand once again, I get to the "mansion" and it's just so blah and I quit. The train part I did like but that part was in development for so long. If I remember the N64 version was supposed to be only on the train. After that it is just so borring.

I do agree they need to dump this RE4/5 crap now and go back to real zombies and horror. What I would REALLY like to see is a disk or a seperate download of what is left of RE 1.5 and RE 3.5.


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