The past week has been fascinating - especially when you consider the past four years.
The Obama campaign has FINALLY signaled that the Democratic party is back on track. Jesus. Took long enough. I was amazed by the cohesion and clarity during the convention. The logistical and executive aspects of this movement are impressive by themselves - the history books have already recorded the organization, fundraising and public relations feats. But can anyone remember the last time the Democrats played the offensive and were aggressive -- and not simply licking their bruises as the Republicans played dirty? The last time the party stood on message - and actually had progressive ideas to put forth? The last time their was a candidate who inspired such gravitas, enthusiasm and comparisons to the likes of Lincoln and JFK - who wasn't just another anti-Bush prop?
I have felt so defeated, frustrated and angered by my own party for so long. And I was convinced that the primary season was just showcasing the ugliest sides of party politics. But to see the Dems put on their game face and go to WORK was brilliant. Bill and Hillary built that fucking bridge last Tuesday and Wednesday, and Barack took the party to unforeseen heights on Friday. But it was John Kerry to provided the ultimate symbol about how far we've come. The 2004 Presidential election transformed the War Hero turned Activist turned Senator into a flip-flopping, elitist, anti-American coward. And that damn Swift Boat soon morphed into a fucking hand grenade for the campaign. So to see John Kerry speak with such conviction and condemnation was important, necessary and powerful. He not only highlighted Obama's sound judgement, mental preparedness and strength to be Commander in Chief, but he brought a tidal wave of fury on the Iraq war and every bad decision since. Good stuff.
But it wasn't just about the veteran rock stars - Kennedy, Gore and Biden - of the party who were clutch. It was also the rising leadership - Schweitzer, Patrick and Warner - who made names for themselves as well.
I don't think it's hyperbole to say that Barck Obama is the reason for this resurgence and this movement. I wish I could articulate what he brings to the table and what he ignites inside of me. It's hope for the future and humility that we can do better. That we can be better. It's a recognition of the past and what we've overcome socially and culturally since the days of slavery, Jim Crow/separatism, Civil Rights and affirmative action and a reminder of the all the work that's left to be done. It's a renewed confidence that this country is actually capable of a change in direction and a parting with the depressing dark ages to revive education, technology, the economy and diplomacy. He's a masterful politician, but more importantly, he's a leader. A student of the world as well as a mentor and teacher.
I know Rome wasn't built in a day. I know that this election is still fair game. And I know the future is anything but certain.
But what does it say that while Republicans are fractured by ideology and issues and literally holding TWO separate conventions - no matter my difference in beliefs, Ron Paul is a breath of fresh air for the GOP if I ever saw one - the Democrats managed to reel in thousands upon thousands of stadium spectators in the 'red' state of Colorado and more than 38 million on TV.
What does it mean that while McCain continues to become a shadow of his former self and shrink under the pressure of his own party - Palin as VP is the most transparent and desperate ploy I've ever seen - that Obama has managed to overcome The Exotic debate and The Experience debate and to be a strong opponent who keeps gaining momentum and reaching to Democrats, Republics and Independents?
Bush backlash ignited the flame and the midterm elections gave the Democrats some much needed mojo, but 2008 marks the first time the conversation has expanded to something more meaningful. It's inviting a whole new generation to get involved. And it's
making me wax poetic like a damn sap. I just want to hold onto this feeling for a little bit longer.