>1 What Color pants are you wearing now? - Black pajama bottoms
>2. What are you listening to right now? - Nothing at the moment
>3. What was the last thing you ate?- BLT bagel from McDonald's and an iced coffee
>4. If you were a crayon what color would you be? - Lavender or teal
>5. How is the weather right now? - Raining
>6. Last Person you talked to on the phone? - Mike
>7. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? - Usually hair or eyes
>8. Do you like the person who sent this to you? - n/a
>9. How are you today? - Good
>10. Favorite drink? Milk
>11. Favorite alcoholic drink? - Moosehead Light Lime, any fruity drinks
>12. Favorite sport to watch? - None
>13. Hair color? - Dark brown
>14. Siblings? Murray and Emily
>15. First Car? Hyundai Accent
>16. Favorite month? - May
>17. Last movie you watched? - The Watch
>18. Are you too shy to ask someone out? - I always was
>19. Summer or Winter? - Summer
>20. Hugs or Kisses? - Both
>21. Chocolate or Vanilla? - Chocolate
>22. Do you want your friends to write back? -
>23. Who is most likely to respond? -
>24. Who is most likely not to respond? -
>25. Living arrangements? My house :) with Michael and Boona
>26. What books are you reading? Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare
>27. What's on your mouse pad? Kitten
>28. What did you do last night? Made supper with Mike and watched a movie. Went to bed early because we were exhausted.
>29. What inspires you? Family
>30. what color underwear are you wearing? Purple
01. name: Beth
02. aim: No
03. sex: Female
04. birthday: October 30
05. age: 23
06. sign: Scorpio
07. place of birth: Saint John
08. current residence: Saint John
09. hair color: Brown
10. eye color: Hazel
11. height: 5'5 and a half
12. writing hand: Right
13. do you bite your nails: Sometimes. But not like super short.
14. can you roll your tongue: Not really
16. can you raise one eyebrow at a time: My left one, lol
17. can you blow smoke rings: No
18. can you blow spit bubbles: Nope
19. can you cross your eyes: Yes
20. colored hair: I need to
21. tattoos and where: None
22. piercing and where: 3, ears
23. do you make your bed daily: If I have enough time in the morning, yes
24. what goes on first bra or underwear: Underwear
25. which shoe goes on first: Right, I think
26. speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at someone: Yes
27. how much money is usually in your wallet?: At least a 20 at all times, you never know when you'll need cash!
28. what jewelry do you wear 24/7: My wedding rings and earrings
29. whats sexiest on a guy: I like casual clothes mostly
30. whats sexiest on a girl: Sundresses
31. would you rather be on time and look ok or late and look great: On time
32. do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it: Twirl
33. how many cereals are in your cabinet? Three
34. what utensils do you use eating pizza: Just a pizza cutter
35. do you cook: When I have to, ha. Mike is much better at cooking.
36. how often do you brush your teeth: At least once a day, I need to stop passing out early.
37. how often do you shower/bathe: Every day
38. how long do these showers last? 10 - 15 minutes
39. hair drying method: Air dry
40. do you paint your nails: My toenails are always painted, sometimes my fingernails.
41. do you swear: When I'm frustrated
42. do you mumble to yourself: Yes
43. do you spit in public: No
44. do you pee in the shower: No
45. whats in your cd player: Monsters of Folk
46. person you talk most on the phone with: Mom
47. what color is your bedroom: Purple
48. do you use an alarm clock: Yes
49. name one thing or person you're obsessed with: My iPhone
50. have you ever skinny dipped with the opposite sex: No
51. ever sunbathed in the nude: No
52. window seat or aisle: Window
53. whats your sleeping position: Side or stomach
54. what kind of bed do you like: Pillowtop Queen, mmmm
55. in hot weather do you use a blanket: Yes
56. do you snore: I think so
57. do you sleepwalk: No
58 do you talk in your sleep: Sometimes
59. do you sleep with a stuffed animal: I have a big stuffed dog that I use as a pillow
60. how about the light on: No
61. do you fall asleep with the tv or radio on: Mike leaves the TV on, I HATE it
62. punched someone: Probably recently, just playing though
63. were kissed or kissed someone: Last night
64. watched bambi: Too long ago
65. Cried: Last weekend because I was overtired
66. talked on the phone: After work yesterday
67. read a book: Couple days ago
69. Is music important to you: Yes
70. Do you sing: Badly but yes
71. How many instruments do you play: I can play a few things on guitar and bass but not "fluently"
72. what do you think of Eminem: He's aight
73. pop music: Yes
74. rock music: Yes
75. punk music: Some
76. rap music: Some
77. hip-Hop/RB: Some
78. country: Hell no
79. jazz: Some
80. classical: Some
81. new age: No
82. what is one band you absolutely love that no one else does or seems to have heard about: Mother Mother ♥
A - Act your age: I think so, probably older
B - Born on what day of the week: Dunno
C - Chore you hate: Dishes
D - Dad's name? Rick
E - Essential makeup item? Moisturizer and mascara, sometimes primer and eye shadow
F - Favorite animal? Cats, big and small!
G - Gold or silver? Gold
H - Hometown? Saint John
I - Instruments you play? None really
I - Invention you wish were created? Smart phones, lol
J - Job title? Early Childhood Educator
K - Kids: Hopefully soon :) I'd love ONE, anyway
L - Living arrangements? My housee
M - Mom's name? Christine
N - Number of people you've slept with? Uno
O - Overnight hospital stays? None besides when I was born
P - Phobia? Heights (falling), the dark (the unknown)
Q - Quote you like? "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind." Dr. Seuss
R - Religous Aspect? Anglican
S - Siblings? Murr and Em
T - Time you wake up? 7:30 for work (usually), 8:30 - 9 if I can sleep in
U - Unique habit? Um...
V - Vegetable you refuse to eat? I like them all
W - Worst habit? Expecting the worst
X - X-rays you've had? Teeth
Y - Year in school? All done!
Z - Zodiac Sign? Scorpio