Title: Beyond his Door
Fandom: Glee
starkidwarblerRating: R
Pairing(s): Kurt/Blaine, Finn/Sam. Finn/Rachel
Spoilers: general spoilers for season 3
Warnings: suggested sexual content, language
Disclaimer: Glee and it's characters are not my intellectual property.
Summary: While passing Finn's room, he hears some rather unexpected things
Kurt had just gone upstairs to grab his jacket; Blaine was waiting in the living room to take him out to celebrate their one year anniversary. Burt and Carole were away for the weekend, so the house was silent. At least, Kurt thought it was until he passed Finn’s room.
The sounds from behind the door were indicative of…well, sex. The banging on the wall could easily be the headboard, and the ragged breaths and cut off moans were hard to mistake for anything more benign. Kurt hummed to himself… he didn’t see Rachel come in, which was odd, but he had no desire to hear her orgasm. If she was loud in Glee club, she was even louder in the sack, and there were certain things that even bffs/frenemies should not know about each other.
That’s when he noticed that Sam’s door was open, and he was nowhere to be seen.
The words he heard next from behind his stepbrother’s door he could most certainly have gone without hearing.
Forgetting his jacket, he rushed back down the stairs.
“Hey, you ready to go?” Blaine asked, having not noticed that Kurt was still jacket-less.
“I think that they’re having sex. Right now,” Kurt, breathless, exclaimed.
“What are you talking about?” His boyfriend looked beyond puzzled, which was a testament to how flustered Kurt was. He never had trouble being understood by the younger boy before.
“Finn and Sam! There were bangs, and grunts-”
“Are you sure they’re not wrestling or something? They do sports, don’t they?”
Kurt managed to gather his wits enough to deadpan, “The ‘Oh God, Sam, yes!’ would seem to contradict that.”
Blush rose on Blaine’s face before Kurt could finish his sentence.
“Uh…well…It never struck me that they’d be into each other.”
Kurt had a terrible thought.
“What about Rachel?” Blaine pondered this for a moment before replying, “I think I’m just gonna keep my nose out of this one.”
Kurt hummed in agreement.
“Fuck…I forgot my jacket.”