⇢ what say the Cards?

Jun 11, 2011 20:44

Did some tarot reading for a couple of folks on Plurk, and putting them here for convenience's sake.

✖✖ Please note that I'm using 2 books for the interpretations, btw. The first bullet point will be the interpretation from the Vertigo tarot booklet which came with my Deck. The second bullet point will be from the interpretation from a book called "Tarot: Plain and Simple" by Anthony Louis (though not the full interpretation, otherwise, it'd be too long).

✓ Zephy (school)
  • Seven of cups in reverse
  • Realism, assessment of what needs to be done, putting dreams into action
  • You may have been pondering a decision that you need to bring to closure…. You are now able to see past errors and false starts or previous attempts; this enables you to set your course more clearly to achieve your goal. You have overcome your confusion and have adopted a more realistic attitude.

  • Nine of swords in reverse
  • Turning away from something. Avoiding a painful situation.
  • You may still be suffering the aftermath of a trying situation, but the pain is mostly over. Your imaginings, however, are far worse than the reality of your situation. You have upset yourself unnecessarily by worrying without sufficient reason.

  • Page of wands
  • Strength, eagerness, especially for new projects, great activity. A person who is forthright and positive, who keeps no secrets.
  • Invigorating good news or new opportunities are on the way. Competition is in the air… Now is the time to start an exciting new venture.

    ★ Fenix (general)
  • Six of wands in reverse
  • Doubt, pessimism, creative blocks, a need to believe more strongly in yourself and in your capabilities.
  • You do not win this time… There may have been a misunderstanding or a failure of communication.

  • Knight of swords in reverse
  • Brashness. Going too far, charging ahead when caution is a better policy.
  • This is not the time to initiate a new project. Someone may be actively opposing or unsettling your plans. Sarcastic words only serve to alienate those around you… You need to cultivate patience or you may end up in a quarrel. Avoid harsh words and impulsive decisions.

  • Queen of cups in reverse
  • Uncertainty. Someone fearful, especially in connection with love. The possibility of drinking too deeply from the Water of fantasy.
  • Chances are your emotions are clouding your judgment. You may be unaware of some important information or someone may be deceiving you.

    ★ Molly (general)
  • The Hierophant
  • Teachings, traditional ideas, wisdom. Gaining wisdom or knowledge from dreams.
  • May indicate a spiritual search for meaning. The focus is on moral development. A wise guide or established teacher may appear to help you in your spiritual search… Now is a time to heed conventional wisdom.

  • Two of Pentacles
  • Balance, exchange of energy, movement between different kinds of work.
  • You are trying to juggle several tasks at the same time. Perhaps you no longer enjoy your work as much as you used to because it has become a duty or obligation.

  • Four of wands in reverse
  • Structures falling apart, tension, people having trouble working together.
  • Even in its reversed position, the Four of Wands is a generally positive card, but there is a greater price to pay for success…. May represent some form of obstacle or restraint that you need to overcome.

    ♡ Naru (relationships)
  • Justice in reverse
  • Dishonesty, especially with yourself. An unfair outcome or situation.
  • There may be a delay in receiving what you truly deserve. You may be in a situation where you feel you are receiving unfair or prejudicial treatment… Your own overconfidence or lack of commitment may be working against you. You need to stop sitting on the fence and make a firm decision to pursue your goal.

  • Ace of cups
  • Love, great happiness, powerful emotions, a time of life being very good to us.
  • Indicates a new beginning in your emotional life… You are about to be blessed with love and happiness.

  • Three of pentacles in reverse
  • Mediocrity, failure to do the best possible, difficulty working with others.
  • You may need to learn more, work harder, and acquire new skills to complete an important project. Be careful not to miss valuable opportunities because you are afraid to take a risk… Although you are working hard, you may feel undervalued or else dissatisfied and bored with your work.

    ★ Naru (general)
  • Queen of pentacles in reverse
  • Sociability, expression. A need for activities involving others.
  • A pretentious, unhappy woman may be causing problems. You or someone around you may be overly concerned with outward appearances instead of what is truly valuable. Greed or fiscal irresponsibility may be causing difficulties… Your own fears and self-doubts can lead to a sense of insecurity that hinders your progress.

  • Two of swords in reverse
  • Looking away from something. May also mean resolving difficult issues.
  • You have recently made a decision or perhaps circumstances made the decision for you. Now you must wait to see how matters will unfold. The tension has been broken. Strong emotions have come of the surface and can now be dealt with head-on.

  • Ten of swords
  • Intellect, abstraction, perfection of thought, detachment from emotion or daily worries.
  • You have hit bottom. Your plans are not working out. You have reached the outer limits. A situation or relationship is coming to its irrevocable end, and you maybe feeling on the threshold of depression because of your loss. You have done all you can and it is time to make a definite break or suffer the consequences.

    ★ Noey (general)
  • Seven of pentacles
  • Production, material success, though this may be flawed. Immersing yourself in your work.
  • You may feel like you have been wasting time on a project, but this is not the case. You have reached a logical place to pause and asses the development of an ongoing project or enterprise. Your patient work is producing slow and steady growth. You have reached a plateau, but there is still much to do and your consistent effort will eventually pay off.

  • Nine of pentacles
  • Money spent freely, possibly foolishly. Being unattached to possessions. May mean messages.
  • Represents the desire for financial security and caries the promise of physical comfort and material benefits.

  • The star
  • Openness, hope, selflessness and sacrifice, outpouring of feelings.
  • Now is the time to rely on your intuition, inner wisdom and guidance. The Star is a card of hope protection, promise, joy, inspiration, good fortune, and spiritual happiness.

    ★ Qing (general)
  • Page of swords
  • Someone who is active in the world, but in an intellectual, detached way. A person who believes him/herself objective, but is driven by desires or fears.
  • You may find yourself in a situation where discretion, quick analysis, and decisiveness are of the essence. Your dispassionate rationality may save the day.

  • The high priestess
  • Stillness. Wisdom, intuition. A sense of knowing things which cannot be explained in normal terms.
  • Something is going on beneath the surface. Hidden knowledge needs to see the light of day. The High Priestess appears when you need to attend to your innermost feelings and listen to your inner voice… Trust your feelings. Your dreams and intuitions give the best counsel.

  • Knight of cups in reverse
  • The dreamy, introverted side becomes stronger. He may resent demands people make on him.
  • You may receive an offer that seems too good to be true. Someone is probably lying to you. Avoid being too passive and easily influenced by others. You are in danger of being misled.

  • Eight of wands in reverse (this card wanted to come along - it practically popped out of my deck as I was doing the reading)
  • Possible delays, confusion. May indicate the need to make a choice.
  • You may be feeling overwhelmed by the fast pace of events… Your hasty actions don’t get you where you want to go. Be careful not to force issues just now because you may precipitate violent opposition. Expect delays.

    ♡ Linh (relationships)
  • The hanged man
  • A deep attachment to what matters most to a person. Reversal of normal values. Following your own beliefs.
  • Now is a time to pause and suspend activity. You need to reevaluate your attitudes, goals and priorities while remaining true to your spiritual values… You are in the midst of a major transition and feel caught between the old and the new.

  • Eight of pentacles in reverse
  • Beauty, perfection, especially in work. Possibly shallowness.
  • Your impatience or desire to take the easy way out may involve you in an unethical or unrewarding work situation…. In any case, problems regarding your work or lack of it preoccupy your mind and affect your behavior.

  • Eight of cups in reverse
  • Stability becomes emphasized. Seeing the value in what you have. Resisting a desire to move on.
  • May be telling you either that your current relationships are better than you think or that you are refusing to heed the advice of the upright card (that is, to leave an unsatisfactory emotional situation behind and seek more fulfillment in your life). You should appreciate what you’ve got more before casting it aside. You may be having trouble letting go of an unsatisfactory relationship… It is possible that a change you are contemplating is the wrong move at this time.

    ★ Linh (general)
  • Strength
  • Strength of character and feeling. Gentle persuasion.
  • You will need to rely on inner strength, patience, and gentleness to solve your problems. Now is a time to have faith in yourself… A tactful, diplomatic approach leads to success.

  • Ace of pentacles in reverse
  • Difficulties or arguments around money. Dissatisfaction with simple security.
  • Something is likely to go wrong with a new venture you have recently begun. A loss is possible. Circumstances surrounding health, job, money or business matters seem to work against you. Excessive greed or materialism may cause problems.

  • Eight of swords
  • Concealing or burying feeling of aggression. Acting polite or nice when you don’t necessarily feel it. Allowing other people to confuse you.
  • Represents fear, blockage, limitation and restriction that are often self-imposed. You feel boxed in, trapped, and unable to move. You may be acting as your own worst enemy because of your fear of the unknown and your reluctance to try something new or assert yourself… You must face your fears before you can make an important decision. With courage, you can transcend your anxieties and resolve the problems that surround you.

    Sorry this took so long, guys. Typing (and formatting - hush, I like to make things look pretty) everything took a while, plus I had other stuff to finish today.

    Hope this helps. ♥

    Let me know if it's clear? Or if my Cards have been ceiling-ing at people again lmao sob. orz
  • tarot cards

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