WOW!!!!!!!!graceadieuFebruary 4 2008, 04:28:20 UTC
Could you hear us cheering like mad for the Giants all the way in NYC!? I will be hoarse for a week!! :) We are SOOO EXCITED!!! I thought about you and how totally psyched you must be! CONGRATULATONS!!!!
Re: WOW!!!!!!!!starlaFebruary 4 2008, 06:08:05 UTC
i think, for the first time, everyone was cheering for the giants. mostly cause they didn't like the patriots! but hey, i'll take fandom where i can get it. it was actually an EXCITING game, too -- i mean, it could NOT have been closer...
i absolutely started bawling when that one second on the clock. and talked to my mom and dad in miami who were screaming obscenities. but it must have been your cheering that put them over the top. ;)
Re: WOW!!!!!!!!graceadieuFebruary 4 2008, 16:29:31 UTC
Our three favorite teams are: 1) the Steelers (of course, we are Pittburgh natives) 2) Green Bay Packers (we have loved them since we were children) and 3) NY Giants (we have also loved them since we were children.) So yesterday's game was SUCH a triumph! Especially since the media were tub thumping for Brady and the Patriots ad nauseum! :) Alaso, we do not like the Patriots because we think they are a bunch of cheats.
I have no doubt that the entire street could hear me bellowing because my upper register REALLY carries, especially in these canyons! I was a total nervous wreck that last few minutes of the game!
Re: WOW!!!!!!!!starlaFebruary 4 2008, 17:08:49 UTC
oh, i kept running in and out of the room. i couldn't handle the pressure. i waited till i heard matt react and then ran in and replayed what happened.
my dad told me at halftime not to worry, that the giants would pull it out. the same thing he told me during the packers game. i guess father still knows best. :)
it was nice to have everyone behind the giants. i guess the pats are just that awful! and yeah, they were big cheaters. they didn't deserve that perfect record. i can't believe everything we overcame -- if you'd asked me at the beginning of the season, i couldn't have DREAMED we'd win it all!
INSANELY crazy. i bet it must have been exciting even for the casual fans, because it was so close. super bowls have been host to a lot of blowouts as of late...
honestly, it was really nice to have a close game. it was doubly nice to see the pats lose (i don't have a vested interest in either team, and quite frankly i've never forgiven elisha for being such a douche on draft day, but pats fans, by and large, and insanely insufferable, and it was nice to not have to deal with them)..
oh, i still hate eli. i hated him DAY ONE for pitching his little fit. (phillip rivers, i heart you even though you're kinda crazy with the indy fans...) i still don't think he's a good QB, he just had a good run. but as the sportscasters were saying, he's golden for the rest of his tenure in NY, just for this win.
i hate the pats, always have. and i couldn't bear the thought of another "historic" loss to boston (tear, yankees). now it's time to get ready for baseball season!
Comments 40
that's what I said!
i absolutely started bawling when that one second on the clock. and talked to my mom and dad in miami who were screaming obscenities. but it must have been your cheering that put them over the top. ;)
I have no doubt that the entire street could hear me bellowing because my upper register REALLY carries, especially in these canyons! I was a total nervous wreck that last few minutes of the game!
my dad told me at halftime not to worry, that the giants would pull it out. the same thing he told me during the packers game. i guess father still knows best. :)
it was nice to have everyone behind the giants. i guess the pats are just that awful! and yeah, they were big cheaters. they didn't deserve that perfect record. i can't believe everything we overcame -- if you'd asked me at the beginning of the season, i couldn't have DREAMED we'd win it all!
i'm still beaming!!
i hate the pats, always have. and i couldn't bear the thought of another "historic" loss to boston (tear, yankees). now it's time to get ready for baseball season!
miss you.
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