Emily's mom called and asked for a tuna sandwich recipie... Okay, i'm confused.>_> now i have to go over there and be like; "It's tuna and mayo and veggies and pepper! TUNA SANDWICH!" Then i ate macaroni with tuna. YUM. god, i'm bored. going out now. a walk with no set destination. i hope i never return.
So, i fell asleep at 11 pm, woke up at 1 pm, and i'm still tired. i seem to be sleeping too much lately. Like all i ever do is babysit and sleep. but no matter how long i sleep, i'm always tired. hopefully, it will pass.
i need a hug. and a pizza. maybe just human contact in general?
someone kidnap me sometime after four-thirty. <3<3<3
k, so, Raven: that post you made about bands and stuff? i tried to comment it, but there was an error that stated that the entry didnt exist? i'm so confuzed. but anyway, guitar is what i can do, we'll be slinkster cool together!
i am wearing a scarf from spain. it smells nice. it's raining, i should be dancing it it! AIM just died, fancy that. ah well, life goes on in a blue scarf from spain... ~dancing in the rain forever