So, I've been reading a bunch lately, which isn't really all that unusual. But yesterday the guy Rich works with was like, surprised. Made me kind of feel lame.
Here are my book reviews:
First off, let me tell you what this is about, in case you have no freakin' clue:
Alex, the protagonist, is a criminal. He and his droogs beat people and steal and give the ol in and out for fun. They also speak in a “brutal invented slang that brilliantly renders his and his friends’ social pathology,” according to the back of the book. Eventually, Alex ends up in the old staja, or state jail, while his friends get off scott free. While in jail Alex eventually undergoes an experimental treatment that basically takes away his ability to choose, and he is "cured," no longer violent. Dealing with life after the cure is not so easy, especially when he tries to go back to the life he knew. I don’t want to really give anything away, so I won’t go into tremendous detail, but what I found really interesting was that the original book, when it was published in the US, was missing the final chapter. Consequently, the movie is missing the intended ending. These two endings are very different, and leave the reader with a very different idea of the character. At least in my opinion.
Now, first off, my favorite thing about this book is the characters’ names. The nanny is conveniently named “Nanny,” while the family she nannies for is called “X.” So it can basically be any family and any nanny, which I think is the point. My only problem with the book is that I just finished The Devil Wears Prada, which centers on a girl in her early 20s dealing with an over-demanding boss. This novel is the same, except along with the job and the girl’s personal life, this book includes a very cute little boy named Grayer, and a panty-scandal. And some quotes from Mary Poppins, Peter Pan and Gone with the Wind (all about nannies of course).
Next up: Lolita