I got a very sad "remember Live Journal" email the other day, which made me think to pop by here. My thoughts are a little too scattered to make a meaningful post because I am exhausted. But I'll do my best
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So at the risk of sounding like a total hipster douchebag, I do want to mention the diet thing - if you're going to add corn, try to add organic corn if you can. Same thing with soy. Anything corn or soy should be certified organic or at least touted as not sprayed with pesticides. I know it's hard, since they're practically in everything. I was geeking out a few weeks ago about GMOs (genetically modified organisms) because one of my friends and I got into a scientific debate about it. I'm okay with GMOs for the most part, but found that corn and soy are main crops that are GM; because of this, they carry a gene that makes them resistant to Roundup
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I am extremely unconcerned about GMOs, but because most of the stuff that bothers to be dairy free, soy free, gluten free, etc. tends to also market to the organic and no-GMO crowd, that's basically how I'm eating right now. (I spend more time standing around in Whole Foods reading labels than I care to admit.) It's astonishing just how MUCH stuff we eat is made from corn and/or soy. I don't think most people would say that they eat a lot of either. But holy crap, they DO. Those two have been by far the most difficult to eliminate from my diet. I literally cannot eat out as long as I'm excluding them from my diet. I've looked at allergen menus for a ton of places. They usually don't even list corn on those. But most all of them had soy in every single dish
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