There are 7 sets in this post:
Aelia Autumn; Aelia Jewels; Aelia Lonesome; Pooklet Naturals; Pooklet Unnaturals; and CuriousB.
Here's a few shots of the hair:
(Toddler, CuriousB SpringLeaf)
(Elder, CuriousB Steel)
(Adult, Pooklet 6, different angles)
Here are the swatches for each set to show you what colours there are in each.
Aelia Autumn:
01. Plum
02. Magenta
03. DesatPurple
04. Purple Haze
05. Denim
06. Royal Blue
07. Teal
08. Dark Teal
09. Emerald
10. Forest
11. Olive
12. Gold
13. Burnt Orange
14. Chocolate
15. Tomato
16. Rust
17. Rose
18. Mauve
19. Indigo Brown
20. Yam
Aelia Jewels:
01. China Doll
02. Raspberry
03. Orchid
04. Boysenberry
05. Mist
06. Coastal
07. Saltwater
08. Tourmaline
09. Savoury
10. English Ivy
11. Botanical
12. Pistachio
13. Cayenno
14. Dutch
15. Saffron
16. Ginger
17. Goldmine
18. Riptide
19. Blackberry
20. Black Plum
21. Deep Olive
22. Nightshade
23. Ultraviolet
24. Expresso
25. Summer Skin
26. Slate
Aelia Lonesome:
Charcoal and Cream
Aelia Retro:
01. Dark Pink
02. Tealish Blue
03. Lemon Yellow
04. Yellow Green
05. Coral
06. Sage
07. Mint
08. Peach
09. Butter Yellow
10. Blue
11. Pink
12. Red
13. Green
14. Dark Mint
15. Light Purple
16. Dark Purple
17. Light Orange
18. Pumpkin
Pooklet Naturals:
01. Dynamite
02. Depth Charge
03. Incediary
04. Explosive
05. Shrapnel
06. Safety Fuse
07. Volatile
08. Pyrotechnic
09. Landmine
10. Fission
11. Grenade
12. Comburent
13. Flashpowder
14. Brisance
15. Primer
16. Moltov
17. Pipebomb
18. Mailbomb
19. Timebomb
*Extra- AlmightyHat's Smokebomb*
Pooklet Unnaturals:
20. Mint Hangfire
21. Teal Shockwave
22. Blue Napalm
23. Medium Blue Cannonball
24. Purple Blue HMX
25. Medium Purple Blasting Agent
26. Purple Toxicity
27. Purple Pink After Burner
28. Candyfloss Guncotton
29. Pink Unstable
30. Red Pink Atomic
31. Red Flammable
32. Orange C-4
33. Tangerine C-3
34. Yellow Nuclear
35. Green Yellow Torpedo
36. Green Nitroglycerin
37. Medium Green Noxious
38. Dark Green Fulminant
39. Dark Blue Hazardous
40. Dark Purple Detonator
41. Dark Magenta Combustible
42. Dark Red TNT
Aelia Autumn ~
Aelia Jewels ~
Aelia Lonesome ~
Aelia Retro ~
CuriousB ~
Pooklet Naturals ~
Pooklet Unnaturals ~
All 7 sets in one .rar ~
* Compressorized for your convenience *
* Mesh included in all .rar files *
* NOT binned (Don't know how to I'm afraid) *
* If you have any problem with the files, please let me know. They've all got rather long names, but better you know everything than nothing :) *
Pooklet, Aelia and CuriousB for the colours/textures
The person who gave me the hair textures with colours on them (LOST THE LINK, but please tell me and I'll add your name to the list :) Sorry!)
Coolsims for the original hair