Title: For Every Closed Door (13/14)
Fandom: House MD/Dead Like Me crossover
Author: Starling
Rating: R overall
Characters/pairings: House/Wilson, original characters.
Warnings: Afterlife!Fic. Thus, by necessity, also a death!fic, but not depressing. Also, I have a tendency to leave cliffhangers, in case that's not your thing with WIPs.
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Comments 11
So far I still think I know what's going to happen and I'm looking forward to it.
Ha. Very well done. I have to disagree with you on the architecture you're using for House's building here, though. A Kay pounding on House's door would not be a Kay falling onto the sidewalk when House punches her; she'd stumble/fall backwards in the lobby, maybe even run into the opposite wall if House struck her hard enough. Remember Human Error and the episode where Wilson gets locked out of House's apartment for hours? The main door onto the street opens into a little lobby that has doors to 221A and 221B in it. Ada and Colby might've seen House decking Kay and run over if Kay had left the main door open while she knocked on House's, though. Actually, if she'd left that door wide open, then if House had struck her at just the right angle she could have conceivably fallen through the outer door, down the two steps and onto the sidewalk. Ouch. :( So maybe it could work. I don't get the impression that that's what you were thinking of, though.
I hope we don't have to wait too long for the finale. *crosses fingers*
And, in defense of TPTB, they're trying. I get the impression that they started the show out not really knowing if it would do all that well, so they went with as little set as they could realistically get away with. Then the show's popularity exploded, and more intricate plots required more complicated set pieces, so they suddenly had to tie a bunch of separate rooms into a cohiesive whole. Or something like that. So far they've managed to clarify the layout of House's apartment (finally) and settle down into a more realistic floorplan for much of PPTH. They have yet to explain how House has windows in his kitchen and bedroom when his building appears to be flush up against the building next to it, but I have patience.
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