Tutorial #6

May 12, 2007 22:00

As requested by valliegurl

Learn how to go from


in PSCS (contains selective coloring)

1. Take your original image and crop it to your liking. In this case, to make the blur effect have the look you want, you'll want your focal point a little off center. Duplicate the base once, set the new layer on soft light, and set it to 30% opacity.


Obviously this step is going to differ from image to image. To get the coloring you want later in the tutorial, you're going to want about the kind of contrast that I've got going here. You'll also want the original colors to be somewhat muted and bronzish in color like this is. Your colors will come out very differently without this initial color and contrast. The different color could be cool, but don't be surprised by differing results.

2. Create a new Selective Color Adjustment Layer (Layer >> New Adjustment Layer >> Selective Color...) and input the following levels:
Cyan: -100%
Magenta: 0%
Yellow: +83%
Cyan: +100%
Magenta: 0%
Yellow: -100%
Cyan: +100%
Magenta: 0%
Yellow: -100%
Cyan: +27%
Magenta: 0%
Yellow: -13%

3. Create a new Color Balance Adjustment Layer (Layer >> New Adjustment Layer >> Color Balance...) with the following input:
-19 // 0 // +11
0 // 0 // -18

4. Duplicate your base and bring it to the top. Set it to luminosity at 100%.

5. Select all (select >> all) and copy all (edit >> copy merged) and then paste it all as the top layer. If you'd rather, you can just merge the layers together, but you need them all on one layer in just one second.

6. Grab your Elliptical Marquee Tool. Set it to feather 10 px. Hold down the shift (so it remains a circle) and select the area that you do NOT want to blur.

Copy and paste this piece into a new layer.

7. Go back to that joined layer we created in step 5. You're going to set a radial blur (filter >> blur >> radial blur...). You want the radius to be 25, set on spin, and at its best quality. This is what it looks like with and without that circular piece we just cut out.


8. We're going to take this lovely texture made by ewanism and play with it a little bit. You can of course play with this, but this is what I did for this icon. First, I rotated it 90º counterclockwise, then I inverted it (image >> adjustments >> invert).

9. Copy and paste that layer in between your blur and the circular layer. Set it to screen at 100%. And viola! Your icon!

ALTERNATE: Rather than inverting it, leave the texture as is, and set it to multiply at 100% instead. It'll make a slightly darker icon:

ENJOY! Please, let me know if this tutorial worked well for you and I would love to see your own results.

female: bonnie wright, tutorials

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