I have sooo much studying and homework to do in the next couple weeks its ridiculous. I lost my planner with all of the dates of tests and assignments for my classes and I have not been able to get on track. For example, today I discovered I have a test on Thursday...nice. I need to stop being a slacker and get on top of things
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Comments 4
I Go To CGCC And Work THere
I WAs WOndering If YOu Know Of ANy ASU PAtrties This WeeKend?
LasT WeEkEnd It Was CraZness Over THere After THe FooTball GamE.
MAd kEggers Everywhere I Looked. At One Piont In ThE nIgHt A Pig
ChuCked A Empty VodKA BoOtle At US UP On A BalCony To,"Shut THa FuCK Up" I BelIve Were HiS ExAct WOrds, LOL.
Well AnYWay WeRe Da PArTiES AT?
PeAce OuT
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