Hi all...
Still don't post a lot in here, but I hoped that someone could help me out with this...
Sadly enough my almost 3-year old awesome Acer laptop has started to start a slow dying process...first the charger then the acer logo says ar these days, my DVD/BD player decides what DVDs it wants to play and what not, screen keeps flickering if you have a lot of white(bad for the eyes) and the fan won't stop making loud noises even though I recently cleaned the entire computer...then the last thing is that I every now and then crash the video card and get the dangerous "blue screen of death".
Now I was already looking for a second laptop since this one is a 16 inch one(widescreen so in width still 17) and I was looking in general for a good, solid, sturdy, with high end graphic performance laptop...now I've never been the biggest apple fan, but I see the best reviews for those...and if I want to I can still switch back to windows.
My question is, what do people in general think of an Apple laptop?(I'm atm looking at an MBP) What version would you go for? Is it indeed so much better for Adobe programs and video editing?(which I need for school) What about the Snow Leopard system, is it stable?(That asking someone who crashed macs in the past and crashes her Itouch sometimes too!)
Then last but not least, what about its compatibility with programs? I mainly use products I know that are compatible, but what about printers and WIFI?
:S I'm seriously looking for something that will last me for a few years without a lot of product failure(I already replaced the BD player in this one, battery, power cord etc. )
So....any advice...I know I'm asking for a lot but since I have only worked with an Apple on school and now on work sometimes I don't know a lot about it...