OooooOOOOoooh new lj dealies. I can do this now.
Karina: were you watching Inked? because I swear everytime I watch that show I want a tattoo more... it's like
"oooh, tattoos are neat!"
*week passes by, tattoos are silly bad ideas*
*new Inked episode:* "oooh carey's hot! I want hot ink like carey's across my back!"
shuddup. it's a good show.
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Comments 6
i wasn't watching inked
i want a large black or yellow scorpion on my back, in a crescent shape sort of.
it would be amazing.
post pics of your shirt!
something awesome sounds nice.
Car crash!!!
i went outside to find where that loud nice of shattering glass and horns honking came from, but they died out then sirens were screaming from every direction. and i didint feel like exploring so i just went back inside.
yes your tattoo will be hot. so will mine. you should wait until summer when we can go together.
I think a dragon might be nice on you. it might sound common but you don't really see them too much.
Karina: I was thinking maybe a scorpion too, on my foot. or a sun. sunshine makes me very happy.
my digital cam is AWOL. mayhap I will wear it to school sometime.
what if i get a little posie on my nose or something
everyone would think its rad.
bbq sauce
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