
Sep 02, 2005 11:00

School and classes were alright. I still haven't registered for one of them. ::Insert angry growl here:: I was literally just able to register for the other one. It took me from July to Sept to do so. My course load isn't going to completely suck so that is always a plus. My internship is going well it's just leaving me really tired. If ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

magiuspendragon September 3 2005, 02:11:47 UTC
The premiere sounds amazing, you'll have totell me how it goes :c)
wish i could be your date :c(

but i'm sure you 2 will have a wonderful time :c)
miss you


starmoonbeam September 8 2005, 15:32:33 UTC
I'm sure the premiere will be great. We get to see eachother soon. Alok Jen told me I was going so she was automatically my date, sorry.


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