i need you more than i ever have.

Sep 18, 2004 23:37

so i'm in a horrible mood today. it started from the time i woke up this afternoon. feel bad, i wasn't so nice to andy. i haven't spoke with him since he dropped me off, but i expected that. he had plans tonight. maybe i'll talk to him tomorrow, and i won't be in such a bad mood ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

papa_squat September 19 2004, 05:30:34 UTC
Dude, sorry about the broken toe. I can feel for you. Kinda like that toe cramp I had the other day, but that's not quite the same. Heh, sorry, I'm kind of drunk...

But you should come to Matt's party if you're in the mood.

It's pretty fun ^_^.


7iemeart September 19 2004, 18:24:32 UTC
I'm so sorry about your big toe! I had a lot of fun with you and Catherine, thank you so much for having me over.


starofsunday September 19 2004, 21:39:52 UTC
hahhaa, it's cool dude. i'm really glad you came too. catherine really likes you too! we were talking about it outside when you were looking at bruning man pics with thomas.


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