fuck therapy

Apr 15, 2004 01:27

chris thought a dinosaur was a quesadilla. but now he is a critical theorists and realizes the difference. he has gotten a 20000 dollar grant to prove his theory in paper entitled---dinosaurs eggs: what do are you really eating at del taco. compliments of steve's good vibrations shirt from del taco. laura refuses to do homework because nikki's ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

notsowhiterabbi April 15 2004, 10:48:40 UTC
"but now he is a critical theorists" ???

"what do are you really eating" ????

Bitches, I told you I was right


angelkisses21 April 15 2004, 22:08:04 UTC
I pointed that out to her last night (the fact that her wording wasn't quite up to par in terms of her previous works...) but I was met with a "fuck you bitch, I don't care". So if she doesn't care, I guess you shouldn't either :P

Ps- You have way too much time on your hands. *grins*


notsowhiterabbi April 15 2004, 23:58:28 UTC
no, sometimes i just prioiritize stupid shit over what really *is* important


angelkisses21 April 16 2004, 02:29:07 UTC
How do you determine what *is* really important? What's not important today could be important to you at a later time. Maybe discussions about dinosaurs and quesadillas will prove to be a memory to transcend over others.


poop anonymous April 18 2004, 08:47:33 UTC
I have poop in my system. You are nice.


jumpingmonkee April 18 2004, 09:12:10 UTC
yoYO! i finally started to write in my livejournal.. yours is the sh8t.. especially the weird taco business. peace!


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