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dfwcg I just received the Uniquely You dress form I bought recently. It's SO COOL, I wanted to share it with you guys.
I bought it from through their
eBay auction (the shipping price seemed to come up less on the eBay auction).
She's made of dense foam rubber. Very squishy! I haven't customized the cover on my own bod yet (that's going to take a while), but I wanted to share some pictures with you guys. I can't believe how nice she is. I can't wait to make something that takes advantage of her squishiness, like a corset or a bodice!
this is her "naked". She creeps Joe out a little, 'cause she's really close to my proportions even without the cover.
From the side. Nice boobs, geez!
Boobs!! They'll squish down to a more "natural" shape once I customize the cover.
The cover zips on her, and compresses the foam 10-30%, they said.
All zipped up, from the side
Soon I'll put the cover on me and get her to exactly my proportions! Yippee!