1. Do you have a favorite 80's song? I like alotta 80s songs. For some reason Billy Idol .x. Rebel Yell is stuck in my head right now.
2. What's the biggest event in your life to date? Hmm-well, I guess I'll go with the usual answer of HS Graduation since that's a big thing in your life if you haven't done much else...but I'd also go with being happy w/who I am for the first time in a while.
3. What's one more thing during your lifetime you would like to learn how to do well? Sounds silly, but I would love to learn how to fight with Sais...I had a whole conversation about that last night actually. Lol.
4. what is your earliest childhood memory? My 2nd birthday party we had an easter egg hunt
5. What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow? A what? Excuse me?
6. Where, When and What is your most favorite memory? One that comes to mind is the late night conversation about how to take over Canada and turn it into the 52nd state ;) Silly boy, it would be the 51st....but now we're making Quebec the 51st so it's all good.
7. Do you fit in?with all of my friends. And usually yes.
8. Tell me your favorite recipe. I make a crazy brownie fudge sundae pie that has every kind of chocolate ever invented in it. I also like to make fudge...if it turns out right that is. I don't know the recipes off hand lol.