Stolen from
endlessblaze List your top seven ships:
1. Put all of them in order of your love for them
2. Name their fandom
3.Supply photos for the people said.I did post quotes which I think are better than the photos,agrees with Steffie
4. Tag anyone who wants to do it Do it if you want
1.Nathan/Haley(One Tree Hill)
Nathan: You know for most of my life I would have gone through this alone, but then I met you. And I finally found someone I could depend on like I've got this. So I guess I called you 'cause I wanted to know if that was still there.
Haley: Nathan, you can always call me. Always and forever. I want to ask you something, umm, the night of the masquerade party, did we... did you kiss me?
Nathan: Of course I did.
Haley: Oh, no you didn't. That kiss wasn't half as good as this one. I love you for lying to me. Thanks for calling.
Nathan: Haley... stay with me tonight.
2.Shane/Mitchie(Camp Rock)
Mitchie:Sorry. I uh...was that you playing? It sounded kinda different.
Shane:Than my usual stupid cookie cutter pop star stuff? Sorry to disappoint
Mitchie:You didn't. I liked it. I mean, it was good for stupid cookie cutter pop star stuff.
Shane:Wow. You really know how to make a guy feel better.
Clark:I thought I wouldn't see you until tonight.
Lana:Well I wanted to catch you before we got there
Clark:Do I look any different to you now?
Lana:Clark, you look like the same handsome guy I've always known.
Clark:Handsome as in I want to spend the rest of my life with you or... handsome as in I'm going to let you down easy?
Lana:Handsome as in... Yes Clark. I'll marry you.
4.Nate/Jenny(Gossip Girl)
Haven't found any good quotes yet
Silver: so when are you gonna ask me out?
Dixon: maybe i don't wanna ask you out.
Silver: yeah, you do.
Dixon: oh, you're so sure?
Silver: i bet you that you do.
Dixon: wait, that means if i do ask you out, then i lose the bet.
Silver: no, there's no losers here.
Dixon: alright, i like the way you think
6.Chuck/Blair(Gossip Girl)
Blair:Do you... 'like' me?
Chuck:Define like.
Blair:You have got to be kidding me.
Chuck:How do you think I feel? I can't sleep! I feel sick, like there's something in my stomach... fluttering.
Blair:Butterflies? Oh no, no, no, no no
7.Jack/Martha(Home And Away)