I finished the Twilight series around 3 am and now that I'm done I have to ramble on and on about how much I love those books, sigh :) ...
First off, I'm sad. Really sad. But only because I'm finished reading. I've been sick for the past couple days and I've had more down-time than usual so I've just been reading, reading, reading. The whole Twilight series is completely addictive and consuming. At least for me anyway. I've never been so engrossed in a story since Harry Potter. Except with Harry Potter, I was a fan from close to the beginning and had to read the story one book at a time waiting for the next one to come out. With Twilight, I read straight through to New Moon, continued on to Eclipse, and kept going until I finished Breaking Dawn. We're talking almost 2,500 pages in 6 days. Plus, I was trying not to read too fast, trying to take in every word, every mental image (except the gore which was hard to think about). They were extremely powerful and intense books for me and I'm so glad that I read the whole saga.
It's such a strange feeling to read a novel and feel like you're whole life has changed. Like you have a new perspective on the world. That's how the Twilight books made me feel. I'm sure as the days go by I'll get back to feeling more and more normal but I've got a new perspective on life and love. Edward and Bella have a love for the ages. To me, they're right up there with Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy. People that are just destined to be together. They are perfect together. It doesn't make their path easy, but you just know that they belong together and that nothing can truly keep them apart.
I don't know much about Twilight fandom since I'm such a new fan, but I do know that the Edward/Jacob discussion was going on before Breaking Dawn came out. Here's where my (MAJOR) spoilers come into play. There was no choice. Bella was supposed to be with Edward. They have one of the most pure loves I could ever imagine. Sure, Bella loved Jacob, but it was nothing in comparison to her feelings for Edward. They were two halves of one whole. They could never be separated so she could start a life with Jacob, it's just unimaginable. That's why I'm ok with Bella becoming a vampire. That's a hard thing to really grasp though. Someone has been human for 3 books and then the change finally is unavoidable. She was ready though, and it had to happen, and once it was done, I was sure it was the best thing possible. Who knows where they will end up in their immortal lives, but they are lucky enough to have eachother forever. Yes, they do make it through the books, alive (in their own vampire way) and together, and unequivocally happy. It made me so happy I thought I'd burst.
In the end, I really was worried. There was a long while that I was downright terrified that the characters would die. I felt it was inevitable that somebody would. But I was pleasantly surprised, she managed to keep everyone ok in a way that was ok with me. Yeah, it probably made the plot even less realistic than it already is. JK Rowling was more realistic and killed off a billion people in her last book. But I'm a sucker for Happily Ever After and that's what I got. It suited me perfectly and I was thrilled that everyone was ok and happy, even if it was a bit anti-climactic.
There's so much more I could ramble on and on about but I've got to quit somewhere. I feel like Breaking Dawn is an extremely appropriate title. I feel like dawn has broken just by finishing the books, like my life is now different because of them and I've learned so much about what it means to love. I can only hope to find a man that I can love and who loves me back in a similar way as Edward and Bella. It's an ideal but I don't think it's so unreasonable to hope to find a loving relationship like that. Sigh, I don't even know what to think anymore. I miss reading the story and imagining that whole different world. The strange withdrawal I have right now will pass, but I do think that some part of me has changed and I want to embrace that. I want to go forward looking at life as a precious gift, and look for a man to come along to complete my life and love me unconditionally. Here's hoping and praying, at least.
To finish off, I will quote one of my favorite, most heart-warming lines from the series, from a note that Edward left Bella... "Look after my heart - I've left it with you." ♥