I'm impressed at how well you did those flowers (and in watercolor!). I mean, if I had tried to do the same thing, it would probably be horrendously cluttered. Yours manages to be just balanced enough for my tastes at least!!
Your style is absolutely gorgeous. Even though I don't thouroughly support H/G stuff, they DO look very, very cute together. Especially Harry. He's adorable! The squirls in the background are rather pretty and cool, but the choice of colors, blue, magenta, darker blue, are mellow enough for it not to be TOO bright (am I being picky or something here? lol).
Hermione herself is also very cute! I can't believe you did this with watercolors... Actual watercolors, or the one on the computer? I'm not sure if I can tell... I'm not much of an artist, truly.
Gawd, Harry's face is continuously captivating to me. The way he stares at you... And it's just so innocent, so neutral/bemused, and very Harry! *Sigh* Art rawks. ;) :D
It's comments like yours that leave me glowing for days. Thank you for the wonderful feedback, I truly appreciate it. Yes, they're done in actual watercolors, it's one of my favorite mediums. I'm so happy you like Harry, I usually don't do guys because I'm not as comfortable drawing them as I am drawing women. I'm sitting here giggling because you like him so much...it makes me want to go do more artwork, but I really need to update my website. ::sigh:: Work before play :( Thanks again!
Comments 4
Your style is absolutely gorgeous. Even though I don't thouroughly support H/G stuff, they DO look very, very cute together. Especially Harry. He's adorable! The squirls in the background are rather pretty and cool, but the choice of colors, blue, magenta, darker blue, are mellow enough for it not to be TOO bright (am I being picky or something here? lol).
Hermione herself is also very cute! I can't believe you did this with watercolors... Actual watercolors, or the one on the computer? I'm not sure if I can tell... I'm not much of an artist, truly.
Gawd, Harry's face is continuously captivating to me. The way he stares at you... And it's just so innocent, so neutral/bemused, and very Harry! *Sigh* Art rawks. ;) :D
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