Title: Perfectly Natural!
starrycastielRating: NC-17
Genre and/or Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Spoilers: None
Warnings: Explicit material
Word Count: 410
Summary: Parody- my excuse is Misha Collins and his talking about Castiel's interest in his boy-parts.
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Comments 32
"Fucking hell, can't you just suck yourself off? I bet your vessel's bendy enough for that kind of shit," Dean yelps as he sways.
Nip/Tuck reference ftw! ♥
Nip/Tuck and mini mountain ranges :)
And, EL DEANO wouldn't be our dear Mr All-Arrogant-On-Two-Legs,, if ignoring such a great forward pass:
"Figures I'd get the pervert angel" - Hahaha... indeed, Mr Grumpy, indeed!^^
*giggles more*
Hee, that was hilarious & hawt at the same time, so thank you very much, my dear, for posting & sharing.
Though - Misha was talking about Castiel's boy parts? Did I miss this for real? Where? When?
It was at the last Con during one of the panels and I read it in a Con report. Basically Misha said that he wanted to see Cas discover sex and just spend a whole episode staring at his erection. Misha also made some sex noises while saying this- *thuds*
oh, poor Dean! not only did he get the pervy angel, but one who reads romance novels too... awww!!!!
erm -- I also meant to say, thank you for sharing :):)
Strangely enough I'm starting to become attached to the idea of Castiel being pervy- it's HOT.
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