I haven't updated this thing in so long. I really didn't have any intentions on updating it anytime soon, but, we all know how I am with my intentions, so here I am
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So tonight marks the beginning of a 5 day liver murder for me. Let's see how I do, this will determine if my drinking abilities are up-to-par. Let's break this shit down
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"Wiggs," she said, "all those strange drugs you took, jungle berries and Amazon sap and stuff, not to mention regular old LSD, do you think they might have, you know, physically, uh, barbecued your brain
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Well, it looks like I might be moving up to Orlando after all. MaybeI decided to do a search for Art Schools up there that have Interior Design programs and lo-and-behold...I find one that's 16 minutes/7.9 miles (according to Yahoo! maps) from the girls' apartment. Fackin sweet, I tell you
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